Maxthon PC beta


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Maxthon PC beta

* Sync optimization with incremental data sync, faster synchronization with less network usage.
* Updated multilingual translations.
- Fixed issues with data sync anomalies on fresh login.
- Fixed the issue where the account list is not displayed after logging out.
- Fixed known crashes.



Maxthon PC beta

+ Guest account upgrade: Automatically creates a virtual email account for guests, allowing them to participate in daily sign-in activities and earn coins.
+ Added cloud sync category switch, which can be customized in 'Settings' -> 'Basic Settings' -> 'Maxthon Cloud Account'.
* Optimized log system by deleting some logs and reducing the size of routine logs.
- Fixed an issue where guest account browsing history and cookies were lost after logging in.
- Fixed an issue that prevented logging in due to certain process errors.
- Fixed a conflict issue with Quick Access that temporarily prevented sync.
- Fixed an issue with fetching configuration in note sorting.
- Fixed a crash that could occur during sync logic execution when switching accounts from the menu.

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+ Guest account upgrade: Automatically creates a virtual email account for guests, allowing them to participate in daily sign-in activities and earn coins.

I do not understand why the program should suggest creating the Guest account. The local account is not enough? Now, after updating from version to this version, my local account disappeared. Thanks to God, I had a copy of earlier version.

I think I will stick to this version for long.


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Maxthon Release May 13th, 2024

Key Updates

Sync optimization with incremental data sync, faster synchronization with less network usage New


Updated multilingual translations.

Fixed issues with data sync anomalies on fresh login.

Fixed the issue where the account list is not displayed after logging out

Fixed known crashes

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I've tried installing the on two different machines. While it installed, Maxthon would not come up. There is nothing I can take a picture of since, hitting the icon for Maxthon to start it does not bring up the sign-on window on one computer. On the other computer (which does not require a sign-on window) it starts to bring up Maxthon, but then it closes down immediately. Had to re-install on both machines.

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I did a totally fresh install of portable 64 bit version in a new folder, and it ran fine the first two or three times (and synced fast and fully after signing in which was great) but then the problem appeared that clicking on Maxthon.exe starts the program and I can see a brief flash of a window as the program instantly exits.

It simply won't run any more, so 9600 being a beta, I have switched back to the safety of

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  • BugSir009 changed the title to Maxthon PC beta
20 hours ago, una00 said:

HBO MAX does not work with Maxthon PC version beta portable


Hi una00, due to widevine issue we are unable to stream videos from these websites for now.

12 hours ago, 15890991 said:

I've tried installing the on two different machines. While it installed, Maxthon would not come up. There is nothing I can take a picture of since, hitting the icon for Maxthon to start it does not bring up the sign-on window on one computer. On the other computer (which does not require a sign-on window) it starts to bring up Maxthon, but then it closes down immediately. Had to re-install on both machines.

Hi 15890991, did you do a clean install or just overwrite the previous version? 

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When I goto: mx://components it shows: Widevine Content Decryption Module Version: & when I click 'Check for update' it downloads & then says Version: 4.10.2710.0.
If I goto: it shows I have Widevine support & plays back at 1920x1080.
When I goto Amazon Prime, it plays back fine, but says:

I tried changing the UA to latest everything, but still get the same...
My obvious question here is, Widevine would now appear to be included, but with restrictions... do you know what the restrictions are & why & is there a way to overcome them!?

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12 hours ago, MichaelC362 said:

When I goto: mx://components it shows: Widevine Content Decryption Module Version: & when I click 'Check for update' it downloads & then says Version: 4.10.2710.0.
If I goto: it shows I have Widevine support & plays back at 1920x1080.
When I goto Amazon Prime, it plays back fine, but says:

I tried changing the UA to latest everything, but still get the same...
My obvious question here is, Widevine would now appear to be included, but with restrictions... do you know what the restrictions are & why & is there a way to overcome them!?

All the big streaming services, have chosen to only support a limited set of mainstream browsers at the higher resolutions. For example, for Prime Video the approved list is here:

So if you are using any other browser (or operating system) you are stuck with standard resolution (whatever that is?) and there is no way to work around it.

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Problem with extensions in the portable version, after importing them from a previously made backup, everything seems OK, but after turning off the browser and restarting, there are no previously imported extensions :( I also tried to add each extension manually from the Chrome website but the situation is similar to above. After restarting the browser, there are no previously installed extensions.

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21 hours ago, new user said:

All the big streaming services, have chosen to only support a limited set of mainstream browsers at the higher resolutions. For example, for Prime Video the approved list is here:

So if you are using any other browser (or operating system) you are stuck with standard resolution (whatever that is?) and there is no way to work around it.

Since Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge & Opera are all Chromium based, the same as Maxthon, I suspect Magdalene may be right &, potentially, we're just waiting on a core update, which, we're assured, 'they're working on it'... if only that hadn't been the case for nearly 18 months, I'd be more inclined to believe it! 🤔

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Whether a browser can show high-definition playback, is not about whether the chromium core is up-to-date or not. For example, even though SRWare Iron which uses a more recent core than Maxthon and is currently on the 123.0 chromium engine, but it still shows the message to update your browser. It really is that only specific browsers are supported. I have tried quite a few Chromium forks that aren't on the "officially supported" list and they all have the same issue, it doesn't matter whether they are recent, or lagging behind like Maxthon.



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using SurfingKeys addon (vim-like keyboard centric navigation), the shortcut `gf` should `open a link in a background tab` => in maxthon, it opens the link in a new active tab

note that this shortcut works normally in other chromium like Vivaldi, Cent, Chrome. 


Also Vimeo videos are not playing for me (hitting play doesn't start the stream), anyone else facing this issue ?

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Can you introduce an option to sync all open tabs? :)
When I log in on a new Windows system and install the new Maxthon 7 browser, and when I log in, the option "Do you want to load all browser tabs from the last synchronization?" will be visible.
I often have hundreds of tabs open and there is a problem when I cannot access them on a new computer/system. And you have to cheat the browser by replacing session files manually, which doesn't always work perfectly.

The second important improvement is the protection of open tabs. I often had problems in Maxthon 6 when there was a sudden crash and I lost hundreds of open tabs, and the session files were overwritten after restarting the browser :(.

It would be good to introduce a few lines of code that will create backup copies of the last session and all bookmarks each time you start/stop Maxthon. Preferably 2-3 files from the last sessions (I have this option in 3ds max - it creates an autosave every few minutes, and creates a set number of autosaves, e.g. 50 files, so that they don't overwrite every now and then. And then it's easy to go back to the older version when something goes missing in project : ) )

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i copy ua from chrome, no luck. are you guys open page logined? 
i copy mentioned in the thread. same no luck
edge won't open too, so problem not only in mx, it's something can be between my side and the site.  only chrome(portable) open that site for me. i have edge and mx - both receive that's "check you human" or something like that in cycle. mx portable btw 9001 or 9600 no matter both gives same

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1 hour ago, capota said:

Since the last versions, every time I open the browser I have to sign in the google account. How can I solve this problem?

Log out then when logging in 
Check that auto sign-in is checked


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