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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

  1. Hello! Since other 'one man band' browsers (I see this time you didn't say "team", but instead just "developer") are able to update the core within a week of release, why then does Maxthon take YEARS!? Few people, if any, want or care about the 'little features' you add & then repeatedly fix as they didn't work, so don't bother with them! I seem to recall, before the current v109 core, briefly, Maxthon did release with an updated core, but then, due to compatibility issues with some Chinese websites, they reverted back to v109 (to keep compatibility with Windows 7/8)... However, it did NOT take YEARS to revert back! From a programming point of view, the core should be nothing more than a bunch of APIs that simply replace the old ones... You're NOT starting with Chromium source code & then changing it en masse to add in the 'Maxthon' features, look & feel, etc (at least, you certainly shouldn't be, so if you are, then STOP doing that & ask someone how to do it properly!). If you really want to keep Windows 7/8 compatibility, despite the user base being quite low, then use a forked Chromium with XP+ compatibility (like Supermium does) as your base.
    8 points
  2. Team! What's happening? Rate of improvements is going down....and they are very specific (and somehow not very important!) Is maxthon still being maintained? One of the most interesting thins on maxthon, was the rate of support/functionality/improvements. Lates (let's say) 20 releases were just minor bug fixing.......Are there some new version coming? Do you have a bug/feature list? Can we the users have a vote?
    7 points
  3. Maxthon PC beta * Fixed issue with Maxnote sorting not syncing in real-time * Fixed issue with Note Popup not working * Fixed issue with Maxthon cloud account sync settings not working https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ Maxthon PC beta + Added import of Maxthon5 login account history and settings. * Optimized Passkeeper storage, improving synchronization efficiency. * Optimized loading speed for Super Bookmarks and Maxnote directories. - Fixed an issue where Maxnote could re-import data abnormally, causing sync inconsistencies. - Fixed inconsistent sorting in the sidebar notes. - Fixed encoding issues with filenames when saving images from web menus. - Fixed an issue where enhanced translation could not be activated due to missing files. - Fixed an issue where abnormal data was cached in the system directory. https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/
    5 points
  4. Is it really hard to change the browser core? some chrome plugins don't work on this kernel.
    5 points
  5. Hi Guys, I am getting more and more messages like This version of Chrome is not supported. Please upgrade to a supported version. on different sites. That one is from Trello. When we can see the core update in Maxthon?
    4 points
  6. I know it. Doesn't work in the browser.
    4 points
  7. Maxthon PC - Fix the issue of data corruption when importing notes multiple times from an older version. - Fix the password synchronization error. https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ Maxthon PC + Comprehensive Maxnote upgrade: Implemented a new backend interface to improve data transfer efficiency and stability; upgraded the storage system to enhance data read and write speeds; restructured backend logic to reduce the time for note synchronization, especially for the first sync. Upgrading Maxnote to a new version requires importing data from the old version, which may take some time. If the import fails, you can re-import data from old Maxnote versions via 'Settings' -> 'Basic Settings' -> 'Data Information' -> 'Re-import Old Maxnote Data'. + Added cloud sync category switch, customizable in 'Settings' -> 'Basic Settings' -> 'Maxthon Cloud Account'. + Added global mute timer interaction in the status bar. * Updated multilingual translations. - Fixed an issue with the expired timestamp error when opening URLs. - Fixed an issue where subpages of URLs could not be opened. - Fixed abnormal issues with saved image filenames. - Fixed known crashes. https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/
    3 points
  8. Hello! If this is the case, then why bother fixing ANY current bugs as the developer will have to start again with the new core anyway!?
    3 points
  9. Maxthon PC beta + Added progress display for Maxnote import. - Fixed an issue with incorrect sorting of Maxnote titles. - Fixed a freezing issue when creating new notes. - Fixed an issue where some website subdomains required refreshing to open and external links could not be opened. - Fixed an issue where bookmarks were restored abnormally upon exiting the browser. - Fixed known crashes. https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ Maxthon PC beta * Optimized backend for Maxnote. - Fixed an issue where some website subdomains could not be opened. https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/
    3 points
  10. One great strength of Maxthon 5 was that MaxNote stored its information in the cloud and was reliable. In theory, you could even access your notes in another browser. But instead in versions 6 and 7, it's no longer a pure cloud service, and so MaxNote is really only syncing locally stored data. And like what sometimes happens when syncing across various devices (with any software), there can be problems because there is no longer a "single source of truth".
    3 points
  11. No. It doesn't even follow the link.
    3 points
  12. Accuweather issue is still present though I could choose my city the temperature is not there and the icon is lost working here but the site automatically chooses japan as the main language
    2 points
  13. On https://asics.com, access to all categories (Men, Women, Kids, Sports, etc.) is impossible, with the error message : Access Denied You don't have permission to access "http://www.asics.com/gb/en-gb/womens-gear/c/as20000000/" on this server. Reference #18.93c1202.1721817077.1783d4e https://errors.edgesuite.net/18.93c1202.1721817077.1783d4e There are no error messages with Google Chrome or Firefox.
    2 points
  14. Hello! On the About screen you're still listing "Twitter" with the 'bird' logo... It hasn't been called that or use that logo for quite a while now, so maybe update that!?
    2 points
  15. Maxthon PC beta + Added global mute timer interaction in the status bar. * Updated multilingual translations. - Fixed an issue with inconsistent sorting on the left and right sides of the note management page. - Fixed known crashes. https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/ https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/download/
    2 points
  16. I completely agree with your words. I was a very strict maxthon user :( but these inconsistent updates annoyed me too. Since we are using the chromium infrastructure, then let's use Chrome. Every new version released after Version 5 caused a constant chaos. I said many times that there was a synchronization problem, but when I opened a new account and tried it, I said that this problem did not exist, but Unfortunately, no one was interested. My default browser has been Maxthon since 2005. But unfortunately, I decided not to use it. You are very right, it is losing its loyal users one by one. Even my friends sitting next to my computer say, "Oh, you have changed your browser, we are very surprised.
    2 points
  17. Hello everyone ! I've wasted many many hours with build 2400 and 2600 in order to get a functional Maxnote with its Superbookmarks of my 4ss functionnality ! I'm really p1ssed off ! Since the last 3 builds Superbookmark is BROKEN and nobody give a sh1t whereas we pay for this functionality ! That's another stupid decision in the development of Maxthon 7 ! Does anybody tell himself maybe we should intensely test this new database format before deploying this premium function ?! I've tried EVERYTHING on 3 different computers, nothing is working ! There is a conflict between the cloud and local data. Even if I completely delete my local profile of MX, trying to sync the content from the cloud it does not work for Maxnote ! Only for standard bookmarks. And the stupid "Reimport Old Version MaxNotes Data" function just restore the last version of Maxnote in the old format, so you're losing all your recent for old ones (nice concept !). With an old version of Maxthon there was at a time the possibility to modify what was in the cloud in case of problems, now we just have the right to pay and shut up. I've also tried to import bookmarks first, then copy them in Maxnote: nada... synching until the end of time in Maxnote, but show an error under the name of my profile. If I import from an HTML file, I see the bookmarks only 1 or 2min until the next sync, and then "tada" they disappear replaced by a stupid message with "Maxnote loading" but nothing is happening. At each version I've the impression you're losing your most hardcore fans ! Since MyIE (which was one of the first multitabs browser with Netcaptor) you had many opportunities to build an empire being among the first in the race ! But no, a genius took the decision to make a browser based on webkit then on the chromium project without the possibility to use tons of extensions available ! An absolute V-I-S-I-O-N-A-R-Y ! We're TIRED of stupid decisions, TIRED of disrespect of premium members who tried to support the project and TIRED of betas which are juste alpha versions not tested internally ! The development team should have put in RED LETTERS that the format of databse was going to change and everybody should make several backups of notes and bookmarks in case of problems. So clean this mess in the cloud, do some debugging and stop wasting time and money from loyal users, TIA !
    2 points
  18. Maxthon (Official Build) (64-bit) Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Is it really hard to change the browser core? some chrome plugins don't work on this kernel.
    2 points
  19. Could you guys please keep updating the 'Release Notes' on the forum? https://forum.maxthon.com/index.php?/release-notes6/ For release notes I have to track down the thread on the forum or go to Github.. Just post the first pose twice.. One here and one in the Release Notes.
    2 points
  20. Hi Mhzayer SEYMOUR Ldfa, the development team is working on switching the interface.
    2 points
  21. Accuweather still not working in this version
    2 points
  22. Very strange working fine with me I'm on version
    2 points
  23. I too noticed the weather widget not working from a few versions ago.
    1 point
  24. The browser itself has ads and all extensions crash, this version is terrible. I will return to the previous version
    1 point
  25. Well, what can I say?.. sorting still doesn’t work correctly. This is a failure...
    1 point
  26. I am sorry for not telling you that I am using the portable version for a long time so that I can keep some datas backups in case that I encounter some problems. I saw that there is a new version beta. Let me try it. Jus
    1 point
  27. ok, yes there is a Person1 there, and my data is there. Thanks.
    1 point
  28. I can login to Hotmail normaly with this version.
    1 point
  29. I have to point out that external links while maxthon is open won't work in this version too When I close Maxthon and click it opens Maxthon
    1 point
  30. You can't log in to Hotmail with this Kernel either.
    1 point
  31. Hello everyone, I regret to inform you that I have decided not to use the maxthon browser, which I have been using fondly since 2005. For some reason, none of the versions worked stably after version 5. We always waited for the new update, saying that it would be fixed, but for some reason it did not give the old comfort and taste. The last few things made me feel bad and gave up. Farewell dear maxthon users.
    1 point
  32. Hi Xahi4475, I am not able to reproduce same error on my end. Could you disable all extensions and try again?
    1 point
  33. https://github.com/maxthon/Maxthon/releases/tag/
    1 point
  34. I was also asking but there was no definitive answer. All important questions and issues remain unanswered for a long time. Maxthon is going in the wrong direction. Devs should have some blog channel where they would give us info about what their plans are, how they are going, and some estimated dates for important features. Now there is complete silence toward its users.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. You can no longer login to Reddit using Maxthon.
    1 point
  37. 2201 still makes multiple copies of Bookmarks when installed. Make sure you make a backup copy of your Bookmarks before installing/overwriting. After installing/overwriting if necessary delete your bookmarks and reinstall them from backup.
    1 point
  38. Loop bug on Cloudflare human test without extension loaded : https://www.ygg.re/
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Accuweather doesn't work.
    1 point
  41. Hi MichaelC362 and SirNasso, have reported this issue to the development team for them to look into it.
    1 point
  42. Hello! Probably the wrong place to say this, but in the Android version, going into Passkeeper & then searching for anything, immediately drops out of Passkeeper... been doing it for months
    1 point
  43. I have never observed any problems with duplicates in the download manager.
    1 point
  44. Hi all! Im from Poland. I used maxthon before some people here were born I like this program, but I have few critical problems and I need talk with another users, so I need possibility to write posts. Now I can only read.
    1 point