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Mhzayer last won the day on January 21

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About Mhzayer

  • Birthday 12/21/1965

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    Saudi Arabia
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  1. That means you have installed youtube app If it's not installed you will see this
  2. For search Engines We're stuck to the built in search engines so when I added a custom serch engine I can't use it with drag and drop and the search window in the top bar cannot use drag and drop to it like if I want to drag something to it and edit it For main search engines dragging and dropping to the top bar activates Google but dragging to the main window will use the selected engine bandicam 2025-01-23 20-57-08-368.mp4
  3. absolutely right It's just that I wanted to find a solution to your problem sometimes it's not worth waiting for devs to fix everything as long as we can do something
  4. You need to do this one too. sometimes the issues lie inside the userdata itself
  5. Update I lost all my pinned tabs after restarting Maxthon They were in My Pinned Tab group before closing Then they're gone Update: I reopened them as normal tabs put them in a new Pinned Tab Group after restart they're gone Am I doing something wrong Shouldn't thr Group tab be there when I restart Update I made two Group Tabs restarted Maxthon They're gone too
  6. The split window makes many issues just try to keep pressing f10 to see new tabs keep building up this is a very old issue that hasn't been addressed since forever Also I put my pinned tabs in one group once I used split windows they went back to normal tabs so I had to pin them again and put them in a group tab also
  7. Update: waiting for it after leaving Maxthon open without attending it for a while the tabs are still there no blank tabs till this time
  8. Do you mean this? I can't see any line there
  9. Check to see if it's a syncing issue with you after It syncs it happens to you Try Maxthon with a new account to check
  10. Thanks Pinned Tab issue didn't show up at first install of this version waiting for it after leaving Maxthon open without attending it for a while
  11. I had cleaned the system so there wasn't any dump files I re installed it and at first launch the tabs were there But After a while when I left the pc for some time I came back to see that the issue is back So I restarted Maxthon but it changed nothing
  12. Yes I had to close them and reopen the lost links to use again