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About MichaelC362

  • Birthday November 17

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    Bognor Regis, UK

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  1. Hello! I notice that ALL recent releases (for quite some time), after installing a new version & restarting Maxthon, display the change log in Chinese, briefly, then change to English... Is that by design!?
  2. Hello! Odd bug... Viewing a PDF on a website, click download icon, select open, PDF displays ok, click print icon & print dialogue displayed & printed page #1 ok, then rotated the paper to print page #2 on same sheet... now, the print icon doesn't work at all! Press Ctrl+P & print dialogue displays ok though!
  3. I use that extension with Maxthon 64-bit (installed version) & it works fine for me... Implies conflicting with another extension or corrected settings
  4. Hello! Ideally, the browser UAs should be updated each time those browsers have a new release
  5. I'd have said, worldwide, speakers of 'English' are more likely to be based on 'UK English', rather than 'USA English', so UK is therefore the majority! 😉 Hello! In Advanced settings, for Customize UserAgent String, there's no Chrome! Plus, the values for what is there are woefully out-of-date... For Opera: Opera/9.99 (Windows NT 5.1; U; zh-CN) Presto/9.9.9 For Firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0
  6. Hello! Last few versions, after installing, just exit & don't load. When then manually ran, the changelog is all in Chinese, briefly, then changes to English (actually, American, as there doesn't seem to really be English (UK), despite being selected & listed in settings!)
  7. Hello! Heading says "beta", but filenames don't... which is it!?
  8. Hello! Been using for over a week (Softpedia alerted me to the update days before it was on forum) & seems ok so far, but today noticed a spelling mistake: "Plaintext" should be 2 words, so missing a space. Obviously, UK English "Colour" is still spelt as American "Color" - been like this forever... Why even have a UK English option for installing if you're not going to use it!?
  9. Hello! Tried again this morning & exactly the same. When I right click Vbox & click settings, it just takes me into Maxthon's 'Advanced' settings page (although the address is spelt wrong: mx://settings/advance)... I don't see the options you're showing
  10. Hello! Doesn't seem to be option to start again, but first 2 times clicked Vbox this morning, just got error "3". Then it let me continue & once again, selecting 044 for UK doesn't display after selecting, but also, after entering phone number & clicking send, it doesn't send anything & just gets another server error: (I've deleted the phone number from the picture here)
  11. Hello! Text was in Chinese (despite specifying UK) Got multiple 'server internal error's & one error that just said "3"! When selecting 044 for country code, the code isn't shown after
  12. Hello! Version (64-bit) 0816 (installed) & previous version... After installing, doesn't display quick launch, all plugins crash, can't click anything in Maxthon, but after exit & reload, is ok. Here's the crashpad Crashpad.7z
  13. Mx6 beta The Ctrl + F1 snap now has Chinese characters in the description. Lloydsbank.com now can't sign-in (was ok with previous beta). national-lottery.co.uk still broken with just spinning life signs for some images on home page. The new download manager is still not good enough (i.e. not as good as Mx5)... why keep going backwards!? The window isn't even resizable & now instead of a downward facing arrow icon, there's now just a black circle. Good minimizer to tray finally added in, but still would benefit from status bar (like Mx5). Still no website thumbnails or selectable images (could use favicon, a Mx/web database or locally chosen)
  14. When I say there's no indicator for zoom % with +/- on screen, I mean ON SCREEN, not just on the menu. Mx5 had a status bar which showed current zoom & had visible controls. The Ctrl + left/right, ONLY goes between tabs & not words when focus is on a field... this is VERY annoying! A screenshot of a dark background isn't going to help as the darkness will vary between monitors... on mine, I use the sun rise/set picture & the text at the top right isn't visible... If it was inverted to white, it would be readable. This needs to be dynamic, based on the picture darkness in that area (perhaps just XOR).