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  1. Hi! Several requests for developers. 1. The status bar has items for displaying the current external IP address. But if you enable any VPN, the status bar always shows the old address, which does not change to the real current one. I would like this item to show the real address and also have the flag of the current country. 2. Add a tool / button for pinging the current page to the status bar. 3. Add a Disable extension item to the extension context menu. Now to disable it you have to open the settings with a full list of all extensions.
  2. 6400, 6600... But users are not informed about them.
  3. Today, there was another error when opening the browser - it again ignored my current profile, updated itself to the current version and again began to include all available extensions and open their home pages. I'm tired of fighting with this browser!
  4. It turned out to be a very strange version. Every day, when I first launch the browser, some disabled extensions are randomly enabled. Also, the MxVideoCapture extension still starts automatically, which I don't need. I'm starting to suspect that it's a spy.
  5. I went straight to the site, without redirection and without captcha. The second site had captcha. The sites opened in Opera in exactly the same way - the first one straight away, the second one with captcha.
  6. Hello! As in previous versions: When I first launched the new version of the browser, I had to log in again. As if the user profile was deleted. All disabled extensions are enabled again and their home pages are opened. Just like before, some settings are not restored after synchronization: 1. Quick launch panel settings (tile size, selected background and showing/disabling the search bar, weather...). 2. The update check setting is enabled again, although it should always be disabled. 3. The path to the downloads folder is reset to the default path. 4. Additional functions section settings. ... The browser still cannot correctly render some sites on the quick access panel and page thumbnails look torn. And this is not a problem with the old kernel version, since Vivaldi and Opera work fine on the same non-updated kernel. In this regard, I repeat my request: 1. If the browser cannot correctly show pages miniatures, open these settings for the user so that the user himself can insert the desired image. 2. Optionally display the name of the page on miniature (as the names of folders are now shown). MX Portable, Windows 7
  7. Since MyIE2... Windows 7 x32


  8. If the core of the MX5 is made of chromium, why can not I connect plug-ins compatible with Chrome? Many good plugins and extensions do not have normal support in the Maxthon, it's very sad.
  9. Не расширение. Для MxNitro. Если кому нужно изменить Поиск по умолчанию (в адресной строке) с гугла на свой вариант, то в файле mxnitro.dll нужно заменить строку на вашу. Лично меня там гугл не устраивает и я заменил его на яндекс.
  10. Хай! 1. Версия Уж не знаю с какой версии пошло, а может всегда было - нет возможности удалить лишние поисковые сервисы. Если их количество становится выше опредёленного (может после 10), то список просто перестаёт отображаться в настройках. А без него нет возможности удалить лишние. 2. С MxNitro нет возможности залогиниться на этом сайте - после ввода то тот выпадает с ошибкой. Даже багрепорт оканчивается ошибкой.