Maxthon PC beta


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Maxthon PC beta

* Optimized Maxnote search speed.
* Updated multilingual translation.
- Fixed the issue of infinite gold accumulation.
- Fixed the issue where the browser did not open automatically after the installation was completed.
- Fixed the blank page issue when opening Function Management in settings.

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4 hours ago, grisp1 said:

What's going on with the bookmarks sync? Doesn't work for almost two days... (tried 8800 and 9000 builds). Thanks!

Hi grisp1, did you see a 'syncing failed' message? Else could you add/delete a few bookmarks and see the new changes are sync over?

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54 minutes ago, BugSir009 said:

Hi grisp1, did you see a 'syncing failed' message? Else could you add/delete a few bookmarks and see the new changes are sync over?

Hi @BugSir009. Yes, I see both the 'Sync Failed' error message and error tooltips when hovering the mouse cursor over the red sign (see below). Adding/removing a bookmark doesn't change the behavior. Please advice. Thanks



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3 hours ago, grisp1 said:

Hi @BugSir009. Yes, I see both the 'Sync Failed' error message and error tooltips when hovering the mouse cursor over the red sign (see below). Adding/removing a bookmark doesn't change the behavior. Please advice. Thanks



Hi grisp1, could you send me your log files so I could ask the development team to check further?

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7 hours ago, BugSir009 said:

Hi grisp1, could you send me your log files so I could ask the development team to check further?

Hi @BugSir009, the problem resolved itself this morning (all 3 devices started to sync), but I sent you the log files via a PM anyways. Thanks!

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18 hours ago, grisp1 said:

Salut@BugSir009. Oui, je vois à la fois le message d'erreur « Échec de la synchronisation » et les info-bulles d'erreur lorsque je passe le curseur de la souris sur le panneau rouge (voir ci-dessous). L'ajout/suppression d'un signet ne modifie pas le comportement. S'il vous plaît, des conseils. Merci



hello, same problem for me!

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On 1/20/2024 at 5:23 AM, lejolipoulpe said:

hello, same problem for me!


4 hours ago, observer said:

.8000 won`t sync at least for several days. I updated it to .8800, .9000 - all the same.


On 1/20/2024 at 3:19 PM, pedrofv8 said:

I've got the same issue today when a reinstalled maxthon. Everything else was ok, only bookmarks got a fail in syncing

Hi lejolipoulpe @observer @pedrofv8, could you send me your log files as well so I could get the developers to check further?

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7 hours ago, BugSir009 said:

Hi lejolipoulpe @observer @pedrofv8, could you send me your log files as well so I could get the developers to check further?

This is my last log file. I found This error in the file that i think tells why i can't sync specifically bookmarks: 

[2568:5284:0122/] url:  mxsync failed with net error: 211 0{"message":"Read block: [0=512000]","result":1}



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2 hours ago, projektilski said:

The bug not showing the proper count of hidden tabs when more than 100 are hidden is still there. This has been an issue for a while now and it is still not fixed.


Hi projektilski, this will be optimized in future versions.

27 minutes ago, pedrofv8 said:

This is my last log file. I found This error in the file that i think tells why i can't sync specifically bookmarks: 

[2568:5284:0122/] url:  mxsync failed with net error: 211 0{"message":"Read block: [0=512000]","result":1}


20240122.log 95.66 kB · 0 downloads

Thanks pedrofv8, I have forwarded the log file to the development team for them to check further.

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  • 4 weeks later...
13 hours ago, pedrofv8 said:

@BugSir009, hi, its been almost a month and a lot of versions since i reported my issue, and it's still not solved. I need to retrive some of this bookmarks ASAP. There is anything i can do else than send a log file and hope to the next version solve it?

Hi pedrofv8, seems like this syncing issue has been resolved for most users. Could you send me your log file again based on this latest version and then try restoring from local first?

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8 hours ago, BugSir009 said:

Hi pedrofv8, seems like this syncing issue has been resolved for most users. Could you send me your log file again based on this latest version and then try restoring from local first?

I can't restore from local file cause i don't have it. I needed to reinstall Maxthon because i needed to reinstall my windows. 


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On 2/16/2024 at 8:31 PM, pedrofv8 said:

I can't restore from local file cause i don't have it. I needed to reinstall Maxthon because i needed to reinstall my windows. 

20240216.log 145.82 kB · 1 download

Hi pedrofv8, have sent your log file to the developers and after checking through, they found that there are alot of bookmarks been erased. They have since restore the bookmarks and also added those new addition bookmarks in. Kindly try to sync and see if all are intact.

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On 2/19/2024 at 12:54 AM, BugSir009 said:

Hi pedrofv8, have sent your log file to the developers and after checking through, they found that there are alot of bookmarks been erased. They have since restore the bookmarks and also added those new addition bookmarks in. Kindly try to sync and see if all are intact.

I try to sync again and nothing has changed. The same fail notice keeps poping. The bookmark sync error is in the final part of the log below.


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