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BugSir007 last won the day on December 23 2016

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About BugSir007

  • Birthday October 25

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Community Answers

  1. Please make sure you are using the latest versions MX4.9.xxx .This branch of Maxthon comes with an updated core ...This problem shouldn't be present in the latest version.
  2. Hello bugSir007.

    As a quite new maxthon-user, coming from the small country of Belgium, I also cannot fill in the right details involving my country and phone number.

    My e-mail: nibo80@hotmail.com 

    My phone number: +32 487 218 473

    If it would be possible to connect my phone in one moment of the near future, it would be perfect. 

    I'm very happy I chose maxthon, because except for that I think it is no less than great to work with maxhton.

    Thanks for making time to read this.


    Nick Borgers.

    1. BugSir007



      Sorry for the late reply...

      Thanks for this useful information.

      We will do out best to include your country Belgium in the lists.

      please stay tuned!



    1. BugSir007


      Test version is only provided to tester members. They have been provided with  information on how to access and download test versions.


    2. gunjan


      how can i became the tester member.


    3. BugSir007


      Now, the recruitment of testers has ended. However you can post under this thread http://forum.maxthon.com/index.php?/topic/15909-a-priority-to-get-early-access-on-winpc/#comment-86266 . your profile will be reviewed to see if you qualify for Tester permissions.


  4. I need "Find Page" for new version.

    Find Page.jpg

  5. Sir... Please help me sir... :(

  6. Hi guys, Do you still experience the problem with Spellcheck in Facebook or other websites?
  7. sir,

    google is not working in ultramode mode in new bete version

  8. HI BugSir007 my office sites work in only retro mode , the same work fine with update but the same is not working in new update sites are having problem in


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. gunjan


      sir waiting to show you that other browser which uses trident & webkit as core brower like wise avant and lunarscape are working fine , only maxthon is leting me down .

      as earlier said my office site only work in trident browser.

      i have installed avant which is working great.

      if you really want to see i am ready to show you so that you can get it corrected soon.


    3. gunjan


      you are online but i am not getting your response.

    4. BugSir007


      Please tell me your ID,I'm waiting for your response:)

  9. google search is not working properly in ultra mode

  10. Hi


    I have a problem... I am not able to see any link for And i donnot have username /password for ftp://foregoers.maxthon.com/.


    And i could not install I mean, I have installed it, but it is crushing.


    Have a nice day.


    Best regards, Ramdal


    Image 1.bmp

  11. It has been removed in Mx 4.9....
  12. Hey guys, Thanks for mentioning this issue again. At the moment there is no plan to include font size option in Settings anymore. However this functionality will not be abandoned. As you have already found out a workaround to change fonts, we will do same by building an extension for font management after the official version of Mx5 has been released:) Please stay tuned. Thanks for your patience and support for Maxthon.
  13. Hi Tony, Really sorry. I liked your post and i had to confirm with our team why noads does not work on maxthon pages anymore.I didn't not mean to ignore your post. Actually, for security issues noads extension has been disabled: Under maxthon.cn/com domain name some API can modify some part of the user's Settings. Allowing extension is to run under these two domains will give the extension the permission to change user's settings. Due to this reason noads has been temporarily disabled to run under maxthon domain.
  14. I'll let our testing team conduct a thorough investigation about this issue.
  15. Hi, May i know if you still find the same issue in the current version please?