Hi Ninja ZX10R,
Sorry for any inconveniences brought to you.
Freezes and crashes could be due to different causes.
If convenient, please let us know which websites you were browsing when the problem occurred.
If you are browsing flash content websites, we recommend you to disable hardware acceleration.
If you are using the adblock integrated version( because you said you are using the same version as Tony, which has ABP),you may disable unneeded filters for a better browsing experience.
For the last session problem, if it happens again, please let us know if new tabs can be added to the list after the crash, i mean open other new tabs and close the browser ,restart it and go to about:last to see if you find a new list with more links.
At the same time, would you please let me know when you sent us the crash reports, what is your email address( please PM me).
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for your support!