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  5. Hi skidude2, have reported this issue and it will be added in the next version.
  6. Any update on this please as the ads are soooo annoying. How can I install AdBlock on android on the test version you provided ?
  7. Actually it is too disruptive to have to restore from a backup to recover usage of Mx so I will leave trying again for now. Another factor in my decision is the fact that the Android version, as reported in another thread is behaving badly as well which challenges my confidence in Maxthon as a browser and I have been using Mx since the IE2 days in 2004.
  8. I sometimes have problems with bookmarks not being in the right place to appear on the Bookmarks bar. Assuming all your bookmarks are still there, I find the Bookmark manager has very useful click and drag abilities to allow me to quickly move folders around, so everything is back in the right place to appear on the bookmarks bar. You can access it via the toolbar icon, or with this on the address bar: mx://bookmarks/ Of course, it would be good for the problem to not happen in the first place.
  9. Just did that, restarted the browser, but nothing changed. It will be easier if I had an option to choose which folder is displayed in the favorites bar. I think there was such option before.
  10. These settings have too short a memory, only one tab. Why? There used to be more, but many versions ago.
  11. Hi SirNasso, could you try syncing again and see if the issue persist? Hi wOLVERINe, suggestion recorded.
  12. Can you guys please include the Chromium version either on the about page or in the version number.. Like Maxthon PC beta or Maxthon PC beta .109 being the Chromium version number in this case... It's possibly more suitable in the About page, but I'll leave that up to you guys. As I can no longer use this for work due to Chromium number being too old, I just come here to check if that's been updated. After it's been updated I'll continue my regular beta user contribution
  13. This version is working for the moment. I tried version and I had the same problem so I return back to and wait. Jus
  14. Hi BugSir009, no, I did not. Just checked and it is disabled.
  15. Hi SirNasso, did you enable the Super Bookmarks feature?
  16. Strangely enough, today, when I launched Maxthon the folder of my bookmarks on the top bar was changed. Because the bookmarks I use are located in a sub-folder of the main "Desktop bookmarks" folder. Last night it was shown correctly, this morning it went to the main folder, and in the bar I see only the sub-folder shown. Searched for, but couldn't find a way to change it. I use installed version on Win10-64bit.
  17. I am using the portable versions because once I had a big problem with the installed version. So I will try the portable version because it is easy to clean up and if it is working I will try the latest
  18. Send 1000 Gold for ( a-lwro4oo6 ) 29/05/2024
  19. Hi Raniw, I have forwarded all your videos to the development team for further check. High likely due to a bug somewhere. They will check further and fix it asap.
  20. Hello! It doesn't do it every day, but has done it since Maxthon v6 was first released & continues into v7. The extensions I have now are different to those I had before, so I don't think they're the cause. It's also done this on multiple computers, running Windows 8.1, 10 & 11, so although I agree, cache is clearly the cause, manually clearing it can not be the solution as that doesn't fix anything, just maybe temporarily halt it. When duplicates are listed, clearing the download list leaves all the duplicates, but exiting Maxthon & restarting then doesn't show them. This is clearly a caching logic issue that I've been reporting for the last few years. Most days, I download updates to a large software suite, sometimes 30-40 per day... I can't say that I recall seeing the issue when there were only a few updates per day.
  21. Hi VirusTest, this will be fixed in the next version. Thanks!
  22. Hi, could you check on your PC settings and make sure that the link type are pointed to Maxthon as the default app?
  23. Hi skidude2, for portable version you should still be able to logout or sign in to your own account. Could you try again and send us a short video or screenshot if the issue persist? Hi MichaelC362, could you disable all extensions and try clearing the browser cache manually?
  24. Hi BugSir009, look at my picture like this – Maxthon by default. Problem - external links do not open if the browser is ALREADY RUNNING (applies to versions,,, and If the browser is NOT OPEN, the links open. Watch the video. P.S. I checked on a second computer - the same problem. Versions prior to Maxthon work correctly. Rec_3.mp4
  25. Same extensions? It is working fine here on the latest MX.
  26. Not for me Working fine here on installed version on win11 It could be an extension issue Try it in safe mode
  27. Whenever Maxthon is not running, When I open any chat room of LINE, click any link, it won't open this link in Maxthon. So it's not about what the link is. The symptom is just: While Maxthon is already running, when one click any link in any LINE chat room, it won't open that link in Maxthon.
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