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  1. Whenever Maxthon is not running, When I open any chat room of LINE, click any link, it won't open this link in Maxthon. So it's not about what the link is. The symptom is just: While Maxthon is already running, when one click any link in any LINE chat room, it won't open that link in Maxthon.
  2. Actually, I already did and it doesn't change things. By the way, to make clear that why I doubt Maxthon, I changed default browser to Chrome and did same test, it works just fine. Could it be some registry keys pertaining to Maxthon get wrong?
  3. If Maxthon is running already. when click a link, the --single-argument call to Maxthon fail to open link in Maxthon. But If I don't run Maxthon, by clicking same link, it will run Maxthon and open that link. Why? I'm using Maxthon under win11.
  4. I download newest version and there are problems: 1. Can't see status bar. Nowhere to show it, too. 2. If I change borwser display language, it won't switch immediately. I have to restart Maxthon. 3. Where's vertical side bar? 4. The bookmark manager is very poor. Should go back to the one in MX4. 5. Shortcut keys are gone, e.g. ALT+Z to bring back last-closed page.
  5. I download the lastest version and happen to go to this url: The font size becomes very tiny (I'm sure the zoom factor is 100%). After restored to previous version, it gets back normal. I think it's a bug!
  6. I unzip all files into bin but don't know what to do next? I've treied unzip start folder and two UI*.dat files from to bin. I see button changed but there's no background image as shown in the first post?
  7. I'm using Maxthon PC 4.4.8. Each time I drag-drop a label to a mail title in Gmail. Maxthon will open a new page tab with same gmail url as the original one. If I drag-drop 5 times, it will 5 page tab with same gmail urll. In other browsers, e.g. Chrome, Firefox or IE, this doesn't happened. What's wrong and how to fix it?
  8. When I setup a speed-dial tile with a yahoo or youtube url, it just shows a logo of yahoo or youtube instead of actual screen shot of that url. If there multiple of these urls, I can tell which one is the url I want to link. Is there a way to change the logo to actual screenshot of specified url in a tile?
  9. Confirmed here. Mouse wheel on zooming only works in Retro mode. In Ultra mode, you can use double clicking to do zooming. Left - zoom in, Right - zoom out. I'm using Maxthon Cloud portable v on Windows 7 64bit