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pantantrollo last won the day on December 1 2020

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  1. We need a "check box" in options, to activate / deactivate the default browser, as previous versions had and other browsers have
  2. Can you implement a tool to transfer the passwd from mx5 to mx6 locally WITHOUT having to have a maxthon account or anything to do with synchronizing? Also another tool to transfer the QA from mx5 to mx6, in local nothing to synchronize?
  3. I'm watching the latest mx6 alphas, and I don't like the way it's going. Basically, if you don't implement the features that defined maxthon, I don't know what will be the reason to choose this browser over any chrome version or derivatives (each one with its own ideas and that define its browser, example of vivaldi, opera etc, to name a few) Losing faith for moments ?
  4. As you have been told in another post with the same suggestion, I think you should look for information about what an SSL certificate is, and why what you are asking for is not applicable Same here, and more when what I want is a simple "web browser", without telemetries or weird shit (Bitelf style with things I can't even uninstall)
  5. This will be optional? Will there be any way for any user to opt out of the whole bigcoinc, biddata, bigXXX related theme that has the browser built in? We will be able to "be free" to choose if we want such options BIGxxx?
  6. As an addition to what Toni says, which I affirm Community? but is there a community? If these forums, which could be the basis of your representation, do not have any movement to be able to be called, "community".
  7. When it arrives, it will already have a very delayed blink core (more insecure and without the security corrections that are added)
  8. Hi brother,
    I have read all your lines about the security of maxthon. And I would like you to recommend me which version of maxthon is similar, with the same features even "resource sniffer"   In your experience, please!




    1. pantantrollo



      (first of all, I'm not an expert on anything, just a normal user :))

      Well I would not know what is the most recommended version in terms of security, basically because Maxthon is a little used browser and therefore little audited by the real experts (not so with opera and vivaldi that is their communities of people there are more movement)

      To be honest, !! We are sold !! :), that's why you would almost like to use one version than another. I usually use the last stable of the series 5.

      But the versions that I liked the most, are the last stable of the series 4. 4.4.x and 4.9.x. They seemed lighter, more configurable. But of course, now they have very old nuclei (although the 5.2.x series, it has a 61.x blink core and it is sure that it has enough security holes at the moment.

      In the end, without knowing code or deep security issues, everything falls on the implementation that is made in the browsers of the core blink (chromiun) is as current as possible (vivaldi, opera, MSEdge etc), if not, is to be played as with any outdated software.

      sorry for me English (googletized)


  9. Did you deactivate the extension, or stopped blocking the page you mentioned? To activate it again, from settings / functions and addons To re-block the page, from the extension itself (red icon, top right)
  10. First, I think you should upgrade to some newer stable version. Since version that you have been quite stable versions. Locate within your profile de maxthon, the \AdBlock\ folder, with closed maxthon, delete it or better rename it. In theory, you will only see a single list, with which you will have to reconfigure it.
    1. pantantrollo


      I do not belong to the staff, I'm just a simple user.

      The best thing is that you ask your questions in the forum itself, so someone else can read them and also answer them.

      Even so, a few days ago, I made this comment on the thread of another issue, it