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  2. confirmed installed ver on win11
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  5. Last night the version on my Android phone auto-updated to, and now it is not working. I launches, but I cannot open any site or even search in it, i closes by itself after few seconds. Even if I try to open a link from another app, it launches, sits there doing nothing, and closes after 5-10 seconds.
  6. Last week
  7. Hello. Currently is the version I'm using.
  8. Google Earth no longer works correctly with this version. It doesn't show details in Layers such as Place names etc.
  9. Hello. Currently is the version I'm using.
  10. Hi @BugSir009, Unfortunately, the new Android build doesn't solve the issue - I'm still unable to sync Windows and Android devices. Please advise.
  11. Hello, One of my accounts is still duplicating. So I have two accounts, one online and another local. Now the online is duplicating and created another account local (see the image file). What is happening ? I am using version and the same thing happened also in version
  12. i have some extensions, but i go here today for say i have no idea what that was with youtube yesterday, but today everything as usual... i test yesterday old maxthon version, and chrome, all did that things - restart video due watching, start video again, when it was end and set background long time... today everything good.
  13. Hi einherz, do you have any extensions in place? Could you try to disable all extensions and see if this issue persist?
  14. Hi grisp1, please try again with this android test version mx_five_pre_m6_mx6_0f9fef6_22560_7.4.3.600_proguard_202404252034.apk Hi IceHouse, could you try to restore Quick Access from local?
  15. Hi projektilski, suggestion recorded.
  16. Hi ivoryguard, please try again using this latest version :
  17. Hello devs, I want to tell you that this version is the worst version of Maxthon at the moment. All my quickacces are lost, thanks to you! I can't do anything and need to do some assignments from my university! I regret updating this terrible update!
  18. what's going on? i back to old version. but youtube still restart video after 10 minutes. or start playing again after some time? what is that?
  19. Hi @BugSir009. I was able to sync two desktop computers using the 'old' build last night, but still can't sync the desktop and Android versions ( even with the 'updated' build. Regards.
  20. Unfortunately, after cleaning the Cache Desktop and Portable problem, the problem is still the same. The same problem is also on a laptop In addition, a problem with ver.portable arose. After changing the language to EN, the default page began to display exactly as in ver.Desktop, but after reducing the ver. -language on PL the guessed page remained in ver.EN, ver.PL no longer displayed Cache cleaning does not help.
  21. "Hi grisp1, the developers have just push an updated version this morning. Could you download this version one more time and try again?" Why don't you change the build number when you release an updated version?
  22. Hi, it does not matter if it is 18, 20, 50, or 200 there should be a checkbox that says "Do not ask again". I hope this will be fixed in the future.
  23. Hello. I'm a long-time user of Maxthon from MX2. A few months ago, I started experiencing synchronization errors out of the blue, and I haven't been able to resolve them no matter what I try. Here's a portion of the log from Maxthon on processing sync; If the followings contains any private data, please let other user not shown. [16676:22524:0425/] url: mxsync failed with net error: 211 0{"message":"Read block: [0=102400]","result":1} [16676:22524:0425/] url: mxsync failed with net error: 211 0{"message":"Read block: [0=328241]","result":1} . last req data: aHR0cHM6Ly9tYXg2LWJvb2ttYXJrLXN5bmMubWF4dGhvbi5jb20vbWF4Ni1ib29rbWFyay92MS9kbF9ibGsvMTczNTcwMzEvQTE5MTlFMzVCN0VCN0E0Nzk5RURFQ0RDRkE1NzQ1QUU/YmVnaW49MCZlbmQ9MzI4MjQwCg== [16676:22524:0425/] url: mxsync failed with net error: 211 0{"message":"auth failed","result":11} . last req data: 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 The synchronization feature not working properly is causing a lot of inconvenience since I use multiple devices. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. Best regards.
  24. Hi grisp1, the developers have just push an updated version this morning. Could you download this version one more time and try again?
  25. Hi projektilski, have feedback this prompting to the development team and they will be changing the prompting to show when opening 50 tabs or more. Have forwarded your feedback to the team for their planning and consideration. Hi Refix2, this could be a cache issue. Could you try clearing the browser cache and see if it still appear the same?
  26. hi, thank for updates. after this one, however, pages auto refreshing, in any way, videos on youtube are. listening something background, then after some period it go from start or and after finishing start again. there wasn't that stuff before this update. i think version about youtube is more real, because/// just remind/// i listened music online today pretty long time. nothing reload. but youtube video restart... btw right now when i write this too:)
  27. Hello @BugSir009, This version has a sync issue again - it doesn't show an error during the process, but no actual sync is performed. Please advise, Thanks!
  28. How many months/years will pass, until this small but annoying issue is fixed? Why? I want to open as my start page for new tabs, incognito, etc.
  29. Why is Maxthon's default page in ver.PC displayed in EN with messages? And in ver.PT in PL without waterwood? How to set, what to change so that in Maxthon PC the default page looks exactly like in Maxthon PT?
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