- Favorites bar and tabs


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On 2017/11/30 at 7:32 PM, Kilmatar said:

Using "Open All Records" opens all links in new tabs leaving unused empty tab. In all previous versions first link was always correctly opened in empty tab


On 2017/12/8 at 1:44 PM, Kilmatar said: - NOT fixed!

Opening all records still leads to one empty tab

:(:(:( I read many times and didn't get it. 'Opening all records still leads to one empty tab' ,but it can open the 'favorites' normally here. So I guess I didn't understand what u mean

'In all previous versions first link was always correctly opened in empty tab' -opened in empty tab? confused


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8 hours ago, PHYR said:

He means the new tab he is on when opening all records  isn't being used for a new record but remains a new tab.

Yeah, so, it does exactly the same whether it is a new tab or any other tab.  It doesn't re-populate the tab that has focus and as far as I know, it has always worked like that.

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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This is a changed behavior. Empty tab was always used. If you change logic you need to explain why you change and possibly allow to revert this in settings.

I really do not understand why to leave empty tab??? I can't see any logic behind this. Especially in case that this is a brand new logic never used before

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2 minutes ago, Kilmatar said:

This is a changed behavior. Empty tab was always used. If you change logic you need to explain why you change and possibly allow to revert this in settings.

I really do not understand why to leave empty tab??? I can't see any logic behind this. Especially in case that this is a brand new logic never used before

Not everyone has an empty tab open.  Most people have a regular page open and perform the "Open all records" and they want to keep that original page open, not populate it with a new page.

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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