Any way to use WhatsApp-Web on Maxthon?

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UFO106 replied at 2015-2-28 10:12 back.gif

I've tried to cheat using the user-agent, telling it that it's a new version of Chrome (and Firefox) ...

I tried it on Firefox Nightly, but it doesn't work there. Apparently only works on Chrome and it does work nicely there.

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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Why don't we ask directly to whatsapp? some kind of "class action" :D

I mean, we can ask to support at whatsapp dot com, with a common email...

for example:

subject: for Maxthon Browser


Dear sirs,

good morning. We are a group of enthusiastic users of the browser "Maxthon", a well featured browser which is gaining positions in the rank of browser due to its excellence. We saw that works smoothly on the Chrome, Fierfox and Opera browsers, and we are wondering if it's possible for you to implement the possibility to use it smoothly also on Maxthon, assuming that the rendering of the pages can be done accordingly different kit of renderers. We would be absolutely glad of it, and we could support in the best way we can.

thanks for the kind feedback you could send to us, via email or directly onto Maxthon forum (dedicated topic

Signature (everyone puts its own ;P)

what about this idea?

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UFO106 replied at 2015-2-28 16:12 back.gif

I've tried to cheat using the user-agent, telling it that it's a new version of Chrome (and Firefox) ...

With Opera 12, there is another popup alert : Chrome 36 and upper.


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Oliver One replied at 2015-3-5 00:54 back.gif

With Opera 12, there is another popup alert : Chrome 36 and upper.

Just because of this requirement, I run both maxthon and Chrome...

and an annoying thing on chrome is that when I close it, it asks if I'm sure, just because of WhatsApp website.

It's just a chat website. Why should it ask me if I'm sure to close the web browser...

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BugSir005 replied at 2015-3-5 19:37 back.gif

Hi, UFO106,

As for , it needs run by Chrome37 and above only. At present o ...

Could the next version of Maxthon (5) be based on Chrome in some way?

I think you are missing a lot of functionality and extensions on the current way.

Even for HTML5, there was a time that Maxthon was on the top of the list (on HTML5Test website), but now Chrome is above.

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The default settings for UA uses Chrome 26. I tried changing it to 40 and 42, but that didn't work. However, as BugSir005 said, the core does not support it. When it does though, find the latest build number and change it to that in the UA settings, it might work.

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UFO106 replied at 2015-3-6 03:28 back.gif

Could the next version of Maxthon (5) be based on Chrome in some way?

I think you are missing a lo ...

If everyone wants Maxthon to be like Chrome, then why don't eveyrone just use Chrome instead of Maxthon?

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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No.1MaxthonFan replied at 2015-3-7 02:19 back.gif

If everyone wants Maxthon to be like Chrome, then why don't eveyrone just use Chrome instead of Ma ...

Well I don't know about what everyone else wans.

I like the features of Maxthon. Always have been.

In order to make Chrome even a bit like Maxthon in terms of features, I have to install so many addons, which is a mess to manage and aren't that good either.

However, some of them are good, and sadly I see some Maxthon features not being updated to what's going on. For example, the floating window works only for Flash, but not for HTML5 videos. Not only that, but it usually doesn't get any useful download of it.

There was even a specific version that improved this feature by adding a temporary "turbo" mode, which made it go faster.

Even addons on Maxthon don't get updated as they used to be, and most of what I see on the addons website is not in English.

Features that I like on Maxthon that others don't have :

- split screen

- ability to select text from clickable links (using this plugin: ).

- built in drag&drop feature, spell checking (though it cannot support multiple languages), translate tool, notes, RSS, website-alias,

- paste&go via the "+" button.

- not so memory/cpu hungry as others.

- easy to manage passwords and hotkeys.

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No.1MaxthonFan replied at 2015-3-7 20:19 back.gif

If everyone wants Maxthon to be like Chrome, then why don't eveyrone just use Chrome instead of Ma ...

Great point! Although there's no doubt Chrome has a few nice features that would be nice if implemented in MX.

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  • 3 weeks later...

31127803 replied at 2015-3-27 06:55 back.gif

I know how to use WhatsApp web with Maxthon! Go to Advanced Settings. The last line of that page wil ...

It works.

Sadly, like on Chrome, it has issues of aligning text to the right (for RTL languages, like Hebrew). On Chrome I can install a plugin that fixes just this (though it forces the alignment for English too) :

"Whatsapp RTL"

Also, changing the user-agent is global and not website-specific. I wonder what that would do to other websites.

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