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  1. Any update on this please as the ads are soooo annoying. How can I install AdBlock on android on the test version you provided ?
  2. I am talking about the Android version. As far as I can see there is no add on for AdBlock Plus, it seems to be built in to the instal from Playstore. It is there in V7.0.5.1000 but not in the version you sent to me which fixed the passkeeper issue.
  3. Hi skidude2, have you enabled the adblock extension or it is enable but not working? And can I know which portable version are you using?
  4. The Adblock Plus extension was updated on 05/02/2024 to version 4.0 and is no longer compatible with the outdated version of Chrome 109.More details - will Maxthon update the Chrome 109 engine which is outdated?
  5. Hi zzxxhhzxh ,

       I also need Adblock with Maxthon6 Android . Could you remember which version support Adblock ? Then, I can try to roll back to that version.


      Thanks a lot.

    Sincerely yours,


  6. Hello Are there, perhaps, other adblockers besides Adblock Plus? ABP is nice but I have noticed that, after using the portable version of, it is not working as nicely as it used to and am seeing more ads appearing after installing ABP. I didn't change any settings on the add-on either, just installed and went on my merry way. Thanks
  7. where is you adblock rules?thx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      thank you!it is not being updated right?

    3. Wilser


      unfortunately since I stopped using maxthon



      I'll probably stop it too :(

  8. Hi
    Could it be that we have a bad extension installed?

    My extensions are:

    • Adblock Plus
    • Stylish for Maxthon
    • Youtube center developer build
    • Autozoom
    • Favorites


  9. So everything was working fine with my Maxthon Then I stumbled upon --- "HEY! There's a new Maxthon I think I'll check it out." I tried it. It appeared to be slow ... inferior to AND I noticed Adblock Plus was not blocking ads. I checked the settings and it appeared to be very much ON. I just didn't see the usual blocking count down at the bottom of my screen. And I was seeing ads that normally don't show up. Consequently, the full rendering activity of pages take longer before circling indicator on the tabs eventually stops. I then uninstalled and reinstalled The slowness went away, but ... Adblock Plus is still not working. So, what's up? What do I need to set, tweak or smack around to get it to work? As before, the settings appear to be very much in the ON state. I have Windows XP SP3 Pro. I have the latest version of avast Free Anti-Virus.
  10. Hi, A week ago I noticed that Adblock Plus stopped blocking advertisements on facebook, the one that goes in the Home and is titled "Publishing Suggested" or "That friend likes this page" and leaves a publication of a page which I have not given like. I tried all options facebook and still not removed, any idea what happened to that ABP filter ?. Regards
  11. Original Creator:Zootopia3000 Is there a way to add one more list to AdBlock? I don't see a way offhand manually with this browser. I always prefer to have Fanboy's Annoyances list complimenting Easylist. I just can't stand all that social networking gadgetry that so litters webpages nowadays.
  12. I have a filter set for my homepage. When I start maxthon, why is this filtered hompage refreshing again after it loads completely. I also notice the the Adblock plus takes a few secs to load. When I launch MX, the Adblock plus shows an off status then after a few seconds, enables itself. Is this why my homepage is refreshing itself again?? My fiilters where working wonderfully before maxthon intergrated AdBlock. is there a way to disable AdBlock and go back to AdHunter? Thanks.
  13. Best Adblock ever for every browser (and not only browser) is Adguard - just try it and you'll forget about online ads, even in Skype, uTorrent and other programs. Download Adguard here!

  14. I just updated to the newest version and I came to conclusion, that the new AdBlock Plus is not as good as maxthon adhunter in terms of css modification. I used adhunter not only to block ads, but also to modify css of some sites to make them look better and easier to read and navigate on. But with the new Adblock plus, there is no way to modify CSS, only to hide specified elements. This is not the best solution unfortunately. If this is only my problem, I will delete my post and develop plugin to replace this feature
  15. Maxthon | Microsoft Edge Skin NB-FB Mod 2.8 | [AdBlock Plus] Super Quick List to Block Ads | 05/09/2015

  16. Windows 7-64bit; Adblock Plus does not work at all. selected "Easy List";Update Easy List;Run as Administrator; uncheck Allow some Ads;visit several websites with may Ads and Adblock blocked 0 ads.
  17. I rec'd an email touting Adblock Plus. It looks good enough to be from Maxthon except for the dl. in the URL. When I search for Adblock Plus nothing comes up. Anyone have experience about this? i.e. If legit, does it work?
  18. Hi, today I renstalled maxthon at work and adblock doesnt work. At home its fine, however here I have ads all over my sites. I unistalled with all the data, made a clean install and still the same issue. Please look at the screen. In adblock options I dont have all the things that should be there, whats the problem?
  19. if you not satisfied with Maxthons Adblock subscription filter lists you can add your own be aware - you need to know what your doing! 1. find \UserData\Users\_name_of_your_profile_\AdBlock\ in Maxthon folder 2. here will be patterns.ini 3. backup it (copy, archive ets.) 4. append to the end of this original file such lines (dont change anything else or you may corrupt file): url=_full_link_to_filter_ title=_name_of_filter_ fixedTitle=true homepage=_homepage_ (change _words_ with yours) 5. restart Maxthon 6. in filters list will appear yours, now you need to update it (it should update itself, but i recommend manually) sample: url= title=Fanboy's Social Blocking List fixedTitle=true homepage= ps: IMHO now its the only way to add custom filter list, coz subscriptions list hard-coded into MxWebkit.dll
  20. How to block body background image with AdBlock on site ?
  21. After opening the external URL link .... (from any software + Maxthon closed) AdBlock is not working. EDIT: I can not add comments (must be moderate) Add video: opening the external address with advertising + duplicate tab without advertising VIDEO
  22. Hello. I must say that MX beta now runs much smoother with AdBlock Plus enabled. My compliments :handshake.
  23. I have found some Adblock Plus lists I wish to use. How can I add them in? I don't see a place to enter custom lists.
  24. 30 grudnia 2014 została opublikowana wersja Maxthon beta, która posiada wbudowany AdBlock Plus. Wersja instalacyjna beta: MD5: 1e8734170e421107064ce0f1af6e88b9 Wersja przenośna beta: MD5: b4d31c353a35bc26a5363ed0834375ff