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Release Note6

Everything posted by Xahi4475

  1. Using latest Beta.

    1. Xahi4475


      Nope, using :D

    2. Xahi4475


      Aaaaaand now using last 5 version ( :)

  2. BugMiss006, can you guess what menus are these? They are myMX5 menus. I deleted shortkeys for Save As..., Print, Back, Forward, Refresh, Add to Maxnote etc. Only I miss F5 for Refresh but I'm fine, I use mouse guesture. Now I'm almost ready to make maxthon 5 my default browser.
  3. It's fixed? Oh, yeah I tried it. Very nice. No need to use UA IE11 anymore. Thanks, man.
  4. Hm, I understand, too bad. I will use version 4.4 until no more pages are loading with it. The only reason why I use 4.4 and not 4.9 is really stupid reason but this is how I feel better and comfortable. It's context menu, 4.9 has Chrome menu, wide long menu (included shortcuts) and 4.4 has original Maxthon narrow menu. Narrow menu is cute and comfortable or how to say. Have a great day!
  5. Maybe you could make small update for 4.4 version to fix Facebook. ;) Edit: Change User agent to IE11 and FB works but then I can't edit this post. Too bad.
  6. For my experience Maxthon has the best speed.
  7. I think you helped me too because in my MX Nitro flash wasn't OK. Now is better. Thank you!
  8. The point of JackForeigner was that Maxthon never update itself.
  9. But the purpose of Maxthon Nitro is to have less features and super speed. If you add more features then speed will be slower and we'll have 2 different Maxthons. One Webkit and one Chromium.
  10. I like Maxthon Nitro and I use it mostly in external monitor but I admit it won't be my default browser. It's Maxthon Cloud Browser my default browser because it's enough fast for my needs and has rich features.
  11. Please add Free Download Manager support, my favorite DL manager for years.
  12. OK, I add new site in my QA then I will enable sync and will se what is recent update of QA. Edit: Unfortunately not working. I made changes in QA then enabled it and no sync. Maybe after some time it will recognize last update. I will keep unsynced QA for while. I'm not worried since QA data is saved in local disk too, I will keep eyes on it when I reinstall Windows. Even better I will install always last portable version and sync my data, I keep them in D:\ (not in C:\ where is Windows). One question. What happenes if I delete QaSnap? I make backup and I see what happens. I saw, nothing important, still no sync ahahaha.
  13. Yes, I have portable version and I can see QaConfig.dat there. Maybe it works. ;P Edit: Yesssssss, it worked buuuuuuuuuuut, then it's back to new QA. :@ I don't touch anything, I see my old then after 1-2 seconds QA is refreshed itself and removed my favorites. I understood, it synced QA but why? I will sign out then sign in again. Or any idea? Edit 2: signing out and resign in didn't work then I tried to sync fast but it's impossible then I had good idea, I disabled sync of QA and now my favorites from QA are back hehehe. But... what happens if I reenable sync QA? I tried it. I reenebaled it, synced and back to unsaved QA favorites. I don't know what to do now. ;P Fow now I keep unsynced QA data until you give me another idea.
  14. Thanks for reply, BugSir007. I said my favorites are OK but I lost favorites from Quick Access and looks like can't see them in your link. :S For any case I recoveered them from october but favorites from Quick Access not back. No problem. P. S. Maybe moderators must rename this thread to "I lost bookmarks from Quick Access". I forgot to mention it.
  15. Thanks for replies. I didn't know that favorites are saved in local disk. I thought only on cloud. Unfortunately I think I have deleted everything with Revo Uninstaller. Well, not big deal, I had all favorites OK but only those from Quick Access gone so I started to add some I remembered, when I need others I will find them somehow, also many favorites I have added in Address Bar URL Alias. I made other account in virtual machine's Maxthon so I won't use my main account twice at same time. Looks to be too risky. Maxthon, the best!
  16. I have instaled again Windows Server 2003 in VMWare virtual drive to use Maxthon twice in same time but now I lost first all grouped bookmarks then all bookmarks, now I have only default bookmarks like Google, Facebook, Tweeter etc. I had a lot of bookmarks and I need time to get them again but is it there any way to get back again my bookmarks? I mean, everything else is fine, also bookmarks from Favorites Bar. i lost only favorites from Quick Access. Now I'm afraid I will lose more data if I use Maxthon twice same time. So you don't recommend me to use it like this? I thought it's like using cloud feature. Use Maxthon in more than 1 device. In my case it's same device, PC but still... Can I have again my favorites? P. S. I tried to install Windows 10 in virtual machine to try it but I had problem so I decided to install Windows Server 2003, my favorite OS. My purose was to use Maxthon twice in same time, I have my resaons. P. S. 2. Now I'm regreted because I had chance to make another user to use Maxthon because I don't use it regularly in virtual machine so I'd save myself from risk. Edit: now that I lost favorites this issue is fixed: http://forum.maxthon.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=13000&pid=68823 ;P
  17. Xahi4475

    QA mod

    Thank you very much! I just saw this, how I missed it?! :loveliness: If you accept propositions I'd like ti see feature like when I open page using back command to send me back to quick access (like old Opera). I open let say Gmail then I hit "back" and I'm again at Quick Access. I miss only this. Thanks!