not logging in?

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14 minutes ago, TheWhitestOfFangs said:

I just installed and I've noticed that Maxthon doesn't log-in to my user... or perhaps it does, but it shows as if it is constantly trying to log-in to my user (with the circular loading bar).
I did not have that in so I assume this is something new...

Anyone else got that? 

It's a well known old bug - still unfixed like many other issues...

Login to Passport works fine - just its "animation" is broken.


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2 hours ago, TheWhitestOfFangs said:

You're absolutely correct...

Strange that it didn't happen to me before :(

I had it happening to me beofre, but it's been fixed for me and remains fixed in  I'm not going to hold my breath til it breaks again :)



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2 hours ago, TheWhitestOfFangs said:

So this vanished and doesn't happen anymore...

I'm not seeing it anymore.  When iti did happen, the sideebar avatar would log in normallly, by the avatar in the Main menu would be continualloy logging in.  Now when I check they are both logged in.



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haha screw these Beta versions,go back to,by-pass the one is skunky too,so much smoother and you dont have all those flashplayer problems trying to update it and change all the pepflashplayer.dll folders nonsense,I'll wait till they have an official version out on Maxthons main page not filehippos

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9 hours ago, Clue4me58 said:



I have a spinning gray circle when I click on the 3 lines at the tope right corner of the browser it's says Logging in followed by my email address and next to it is an avatar icon but that's all it does is constantly spin never logs me in to my passport account or anything like that is there a way I canstop it from trying to log me in everytime I start the browser.I can't click on it nothing it just keeps spinning I even tried reinstalling maxthon it didn't work Cause I can't log into my account that way.


I would apreciate this.


Thank you!



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20 minutes ago, BugMiss006 said:

Hi,dear ~ check your network status and speed firstly. If the network has no problem, please change an other computer and network to have a try. If this issue still happen, please tell me ^-^

this is a known issue, many users reported it..


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2 hours ago, Clue4me58 said:



This is not a network issue I didn't have these issues until I updated to the new version of maxthon. Not everything is perfect for everyone. Newer doesn't always mean better. I have over 105 mb connection with comcast. My network status is fine I wouldn't be here online if it wasn't. I just want to know how to completley uninstall this version of maxthon? The way I have done it is I use a third party uninstaller called IOBIT UNINSTALLER  and I uninstall it from this software then right after it uninstalls it it checks for remaining files in the registry and gets rid of those also, but is there anything else I should be doing when I uninstall the software something I haven't done in the past. I know my book marks will still be there. I just would like to know  how to install an older version of flash player with this version of maxthon I will try that first. If that does not work so that I can play my you tube videos out of all 4 of my speakers like I could do on the last version and I believe on this version before I reinstalled my operating system but at that time I did not update flash to the latest version and if I did I didn't update with maxthon I just got an update in windows when I rebooted my computer and I installed it. if reinstalling an olf version of flash player with this version of maxthon I will try going back to an older version of maxthon. Because there are other issues with maxthon as well. Sometimes I can't get to my recovery favorite the screen just does nothing. and sometimes the page is all broken up like displayed incorrectly and no I do not have always use ultra mode checked at least that's what it's showing me. That it's not checked. I do have ena n the browser when I hit check for Updates I will just ask in here in the forums. is all. Do you know when another version of Maxthon will be out to address these issues??



As Ody said, this is a known issue.  I used to have the problem too.  But it has been resolved in recent versions such as beta release, the most currreent version, though a beta one.

If you don't want to run a beta, theen you'll just have to wait for the release of a 4.9.2.x stable release.




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