Night mode

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see if it happens again, yep Trying it again must 2
The problem is seen in the editor too!!!  Nope, works fine in the editor.
Simple edit seems ok too. 
It's odd that the text color is different when typing a post too...again OK in the editors. But it does happen if you use "More Reply Options" button
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Here's one for you ody, try using This Text Box in Night Mode, it becomes impossible to continue your post if you move the cursor to correct text or any other reason. Your cursor returns to the beginning of the text. 

I did a try : first line : Text almost didn't show (color), and cursor acted like you describe above.

I deleted the first line, and then was able to use editor :huh:  colour was right and I was able to select and use the back arrow...


inconsistent behaviour to say the least...

just to check if it was a skin issue, I tried on french forum : there's the same issue on french forum (Ipb engine too)


is it a forum issue or a night mode issue ? I never use night mode. Did you try on another forum with a different engine ?


I will report this to devs.


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Yes, I think it is a night mode issue...Edit: on this forum


vBullitin doesn't seem to have that problem!


 Edit: I think you have to be in night mode before opening the page, it doesn't seem to happen if you apply night mode while on the page..

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Hi there,  

 the problem seems to happend when tools bar in the reply box is expanded ...
could you close the tool bar then expand it 
this problem did not occured in our Chinese BBS, 
so ,please try it again to see whether the problem still exists. 
Many thanks .~
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