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BenReiley last won the day on June 30 2023

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  1. I deleted the log files and it did not crash this time here are the log files that i now have because it made two new one just now and yes the GPU is still going berserk.. only the other browser it did not make my GPU fans spin very hard and loud but in maxthon it does spin loud and hard... I deleted the log files and it did not crash this time here are the log files that i now have because it made two new one just now and yes the GPU is still going berserk.. only the other browser it did not make my GPU fans spin very hard and loud but in maxthon it does spin loud and hard... I deleted the log files and it did not crash this time here are the log files that i now have because it made two new one just now and yes the GPU is still going berserk.. only the other browser it did not make my GPU fans spin very hard and loud but in maxthon it does spin loud and hard...
  2. Hello good day.. i was online this morning but had to go to work but now i am home after hanging with the friends after work but yeah.. can you tell me where to find the "log files" in order for me to delete them and then try login on again
  3. I tried this one just a few minutes ago and it crashes when i log in but when i go to the video/streaming websites it does not make my GPU spin anymore but it does make my GPU spin when i start the browser for the first time but after that it is silent.. but i will need to do some more testing cause i think i need an entire day.. i just looked at it for a few minutes cause i have to get ready to leave soon... but tonight i can test it more and see if my GPU spins at all when i go to the video/streaming websites...
  4. Ooooh oke then here it is.. hahahaha... and sorry i am so late i was not home... reports.rar
  5. Oke... so? i just put it here then? But WAIT are you and everybody else going to be able to see my internet history? HAHAHAH.. cause i was "coincidently" doing some nude female searching BUT ONLY for research purposes.. I wanted to know about "the nude female anatomy" for a self proclaimed science project and expending my knowledge on how the female body works and what would happen if they encounter "cylinder shaped foreign objects" like how a lion reacts in the wild to its prey... will you be able to see that? If you will then i do not think it would be very smart for me to send you my crash data cause you "might" cause me to fail my "science project test for school" (job school-ish thingy i have going on in my life)... and i dont want to get an F in my class... so? will you be able to see my history or the tabs i have opened? (smile)
  6. HI BenReiley, would you like to add the BSV address to your personal profile? I will give you some Vpoints. ?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BenReiley


      Ok... so what exactly do i need to do? Cause i do not wanna deal with real life money that is dangerous.. i heard people lost their houses with these blockchain apps etc. Do you have an online tutorial that i can read about this topic? Or a video on youtube that goes in depth on this?

    3. BugSir006


      Hi there, it is virtual coin, you can just receive the Vpoints, it won't affect your real life. ?

      You can follow the Nbdomain on Twitter.


    4. BenReiley


      Hello.. sorry i didnt respond that was because i was in a little messed up situation where i couldnt really get online cause of i was travelling cause somebody i know in another country needed me and i needed to bring them medicine and the government wouldnt let me travel so i had to go off the grid in order to get to that country but now im back.. and i got online once or twice to check up stuff but yeah.. im back online and sorry if i took so long... but yeah.. if you are willing to give those points then im oke.. if not then thank you for offering in the first place...