Violentmonkey extension (user script manager)

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Violentmonkey extension (user script manager) disappeared from

... scripts do not work anymore !

From the link there is only one error notice (view image)! 

What happened ?

I do not think there are any alternatives for Maxthon4 (my version


For other browsers there is 'Tampermonkey - Info

To use user scripts you need to first install a user script manager. Which user script manager you can use depends on which browser you use.




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All I know is that it was there yesterday. I installed it and it seems fine. No idea.

I've already asked about Tampermonkey in another unrelated thread, so thanks for creating a new thread.


@devs  In the popup "The item does not exist or is waiting for approval." Approvement is not the appropriate word.

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6 hours ago, grabarz121 said:

Violentmonkey 2.7.1 relased, but yesterday it was removed from extensions center and isn't available there yet.

I installed version VIolentmonkey2.7.0 from that page which at least lets you add scripts.


*** For some reason my previously installed scripts were still present even after uninstalling and then re-installing, that should not be.  Scripts used to be removed when uninstalling!

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Hi all, we removed ViolentMonkey from Maxthon Extension center because there is a bug with the extension, and our staff has contacted the creator asking for fixing. After that, it will be back on the center. And currently, for those who has violent monkey installed, you can use the existed script as before, while cannot add new ones. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will notice here once it's back.

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Violentmonkey back on with version 2.71.

Problem: With installed version 2.64 and with update at 2.71 you do not see the scripts.

In MX deleted the extension.

Reinstalled Violentmonkey 2.71

Now you see scripts again as before, they have not been deleted as in previous updates.

Problem: Not all scipts work.

Now I try to delete all the scipt and uninstaller Violentmonkey.

Added: In choosing the repository of the scripts "Get more scipts" in addition to the classic they added


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