Slow loading images(Google MAPS Street View)

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MX5 slow loading images in Google MAPS (street view). Images loaded in spurts.
I specifically had a comparative test pictures download speeds between MX5 and Opera39. You, too, can repeat the test, here is the link:,-73.9920308,3a,75y,206.55h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6o4gvcECmd0lsGtAuZ0qwg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=ru

To move forward - It is necessary to hold up key on the keyboard.

Also attached is a video of the whole process. At the end of the movie I opened Task Manager on Network tab - it shows that the MH5 not fully use my internet connection speed.


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8 hours ago, Sergey_K said:

MX5 slow loading images in Google MAPS (street view). Images loaded in spurts.
I specifically had a comparative test pictures download speeds between MX5 and Opera39. You, too, can repeat the test, here is the link:,-73.9920308,3a,75y,206.55h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6o4gvcECmd0lsGtAuZ0qwg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=ru

To move forward - It is necessary to hold up key on the keyboard.

Also attached is a video of the whole process. At the end of the movie I opened Task Manager on Network tab - it shows that the MH5 not fully use my internet connection speed.


didn't try in chrome, all I can say is it's jerkier using Edge... but my computer isn't very performant ( 8 mb ram and intel HD 4600 graphic chipset)


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Now, too, I checked the speed of other browsers: Chrome, and IE11 - everywhere pretty quickly upload images and moving forward (but have to to click the left mouse button). MX5, in comparison with them, terrible brakes.
The most important (see Task Manager windose) why other browsers to effectively use the Internet connection, and MX5 has a low download speed?

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