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Found 14 results

  1. Is it possible to bring back functionality of restore button where you could use it to open recently closed pages? I think it was very useful option and I notice it was moved to history tab some time ago where it is not so functional in my experience.
  2. Is there any news on this yet? Several users have asked but there has been silence from the Maxthon team. That has been disappointing for lifelong users trying to remain faithful. Now, it's clear some users are experiencing issues related to Chrome extensions no longer supporting Manifest v2. I'm still on an old version of Maxthon but I believe I am on borrowed time because support for Mv2 extensions are being phased-out and becoming glitchy. Please, Maxthon, communicate with us on this 🙏
  3. pls make this work on mathxon.
  4. I have resenly found your browser and i was wondering if someone could post an a extension on here. I was looking for Tubebuddy for youtube and i dont see it. Could some please put this on here so i can have this for my youtube channel using this browser? Thanks, let me now if anyone has gotten something!
  5. I couldn't find any extentions which would support opening and editing of Adobe reader forms ... are there any ?
  6. Prompt add-on for Maxthon program similar to "Measurer" for Mozilla firefox.If it does not exist - please make it.
  7. Hello, I love the Alpha skin v2.31 for Maxthon 4.4, but I didn't see an update for this skin with the new version of Maxthon. So I've downloaded the sdk + the doc, and I've tried to replace the files in 0.dat and 1.dat with the ones from this skin. But I've got this layout problem with favorites and the page rendering. Could someone help me to fix this problem please or at least give me some advice ? Thanks in advance.
  8. Honestly, before I move to Maxthon I used Chrome. There is one extension on Chrome that I can hardly forget. That is Grammarly. English is my second language, How I wish someone from our community can create a similar extension!
  9. Hi is it possible or does exist or could somebody make extension that would intercept new window/tab requests and based on settings would automaticaly block them/ask if they are allowed to open/force them to open in new window/tab as selected/open them as intended (simple context menu switch idealy)? Lot of pages have anoying behavior of opening automaticaly whatever they want and this would allow user to have more control whatever is acceptable for him at given time. (I know, you could maybe possibly configure adblock partialy to do that but its based on listing and its far from ideal - making it based on core browser functionality would be way better) Sorry for my english, im not from english speaking country, i hope i explained it enough. I have not high expectations, Maxthon is nice browser but it seems dev community is somehow dead and it does not feel (to me - personal opinion) like devs listening too much but its worth a try ... if there would be well enough documented api and it would be possible i would probably made it at some point but finding something usefull about addon development for Maxthon is more problematic than i thought and it makes me kind of sad given its my favourite browser (i dont trust it too much theese days but still has nice and original features i like ) PS: My question is for Maxthon 5 (i suppose one of reasons its hard to find something relevant to addon development is this is changed every version)
  10. Scroblr is a lightweight scrobbler that scrobbles the music you listen.
  11. Would it be possible to port the Chrome extension "Rikaikun" to be used in Maxthon browser? Rikaikun itself is a port of the very helpful FireFox add-in "Rikaichan": When it's activated and one hovers over Japanese text on a website or e-mail, the words are translated within a pop up. It automatically de-inflects verbs and adjectives and gives detailed information about the Kanji characters and the reading of names etc. This is a very helpful tool and I would love if someone could make it available for Maxthon!!. (This add-on/ extension is one of the main reasons I still often use FireFox and not exclusicvely Maxthon!) Hope this can be done somehow. Anyone, please help! :-)
  12. Please add back this great feature to Maxthon. "Select more than one link, drag and drop them, And they open in the same time, Great in Galleries, The best thing that it ignores the normal text between each link" It was my favorite feature from Maxthon 2. I hope it will be added to Maxthon again. Bookmarklet: javascript:a=getSelection().getRangeAt(0).cloneContents().querySelectorAll('a[href]');for(b=0;b<a.length;b++){a[b].target='_blank';a[b].click()}
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