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jinoman last won the day on January 11

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  1. I have a issue with spell check I wonder is it Maxthon issue or Windows.
  2. Any chance you could elaborate as well on the reason why it was removed in the first place?
  3. Hi, I’ve been using Maxthon for a long time, and it used to support spellchecking in two languages simultaneously (Polish and English). However, recently I noticed it is no longer recognizes spellcheck in Polish language. I’ve added both Polish and English in the language settings, but the spellcheck seems to prioritize only English language. Did something change in how the spellchecking function works? It used to seamlessly recognize and check spelling in both languages before. Any help or advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
  4. Restore history of the restored last closed page under Restore Closed Page Button. Previously, using the Restore Button to reopen the last closed page also allowed users to navigate back through the page's history. This feature has been missing for a long time. Currently, accessing the history through the menu is possible, but it is less convenient than using the Restore Button. Could this functionality be reinstated?