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n3ujx last won the day on December 17 2022

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1 Follower

About n3ujx

  • Birthday 07/23/1996

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  1. I also wanted to give this nice info
  2. When we change default search engine, shortcuts and features in Google Services are not available. For example; "Search image in Google" shortcut when we right click on image
  3. If you change search engine, you will not be able to use features such as "Search images in Google".
  4. advanced settings should be added, many settings can be made in google chrome. example; site settings (flash, cookies, camera, microphone and others) these features should be corrected its MX5 version its MX6 version
  5. What is the status of adding this feature? This feature needs to come. Vivaldi browser has this feature.
  6. this post add on MX6 please The settings section should be very advanced, for example advanced settings in google chrome I want Turkish language support Quality plugins The core should be developed (In the private messages section on Twitch etc. it is very problem) There are too many problems in MX5 right now
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