The problem of downloading

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It's not the first time it happens to me, that I can not download the file. This happens (not always) when in the link to the file there is the prefix "download" in front of the domain.

Last-minute example:

When attempting to download, an error appears:


And I must then use an external download manager. Has anyone met with something like that?

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Link works fine here.

I'd say try a ping/tracert to each, but seeing as the issue seems to only manifest itself in MX, i doubt that would show anything. And chances are they'll end up at the same endpoint seeing as the domain is the same.

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4 hours ago, Galileusz said:

Thanks for the answers :)

I found the cause. Adfender blocked my access to this file. But only after the http protocol. When I changed http at https then the link works.

I was going to tell you that, sometimes it has happened to me with the subject of the host file, which I have edited.


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