Passkeeper issue solution

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Hi all,


Thanks for your quick report on the Passkeeper issues, and we are really sorry for the inconveniences caused. 

With the information you provided, our programmers successfully found out the root and solved the problem after 48 hours looking into it. 

Maxthon server was undergoing an upgrade lately, and now all the data transfer process has been completed, so the issue should be solved now.


If any of you still have some passwords not showing in the list, please try the "sync" button in the top of Passkeeper page. It should get all your passwords back from the server.

Or, if it doesn't solve the problem, please leave a comment below with information provided: Maxthon versions, Maxthon account. 


Kind Regards,

Maxthon Team 

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12 hours ago, sajphon said:

Hmm still not downloading the list properly :/

version: MX,


Hi there, have you tried these steps?

May I know how many passwords did you have before? And how many the list shows you now?

Did you refresh your OS or change a computer?

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Hi @bugsir006 i;ve tried those steps, but couldn't get it to work. I suspect something is wrong with data integrity probably ? because I can see the "old" mxpwd.dat file to have almost 1MB size, but still it loads only one entry in the list (there were two others, but blank so i've tried deleteding those before writing here for the first time.) If i copy the file to a different place and let the MX5 create a new one it has only around 15KB.

I've replicated the same problem with two computers (personal and work computer). I was able to secure some of the passwords, because on an old notebook I have MX4 that i am autologged in, but i havent updated my maxthon password in that computer and didnt connect it to internet for some time, so i was able to log into the old passkeeper there and copy all my password from there. But still, this is really big pain in the ass to loose all the newer passwords that i had saved in "secure" maxthon cloud.


I managed to save around 86 username - url - password combinations, but an educated guess is, that I've lost around 50-60 newer passwords that were either generated by magic fill for me in the maxthon and/or manually created on newly registered sites.

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On 3/10/2017 at 11:39 PM, sajphon said:

Hi @bugsir006 i;ve tried those steps, but couldn't get it to work. I suspect something is wrong with data integrity probably ? because I can see the "old" mxpwd.dat file to have almost 1MB size, but still it loads only one entry in the list (there were two others, but blank so i've tried deleteding those before writing here for the first time.) If i copy the file to a different place and let the MX5 create a new one it has only around 15KB.

I've replicated the same problem with two computers (personal and work computer). I was able to secure some of the passwords, because on an old notebook I have MX4 that i am autologged in, but i havent updated my maxthon password in that computer and didnt connect it to internet for some time, so i was able to log into the old passkeeper there and copy all my password from there. But still, this is really big pain in the ass to loose all the newer passwords that i had saved in "secure" maxthon cloud.


I managed to save around 86 username - url - password combinations, but an educated guess is, that I've lost around 50-60 newer passwords that were either generated by magic fill for me in the maxthon and/or manually created on newly registered sites.

Hi sajphon, could you tell me your Maxthon account? I'll let our technician help check what's the problem, and if we're lucky enough to restore the lost ones. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there

I have the same problem with my passwords. I've had a lot of them (between 50 to 100 passwords) and now I have only 7 recently added. Solution from other post does not work for me - only one backup file and its recently with my lasr few passwords.

  1. Maxthon account (passport) -
  2. How many devices do you have MX5 installed and what are they? (PCs, mobiles, Mac etc) - PC and laptop
  3. What are the Maxthon5 versions you installed in your devices - v5.02.1000
  4. Detailed description of your problem (lost all or part of the passwords, the loss happens on all devices or one of them?) - lost all passwords on both devices and only new (7) are saved.

I would be happy if this could be resolved.

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