@DARKSTORM I have actually studied software development. I own a development company and I am also a developer myself. I've buit multiple products that were just to please me. I've even took a shot at my own browser But all those were private, because if it's just about my pleasure, then it's just for me. But once you make your product public and you want it to be widespread, because it generates you revenue, you kinda sorta have to listen to your users. If you force your users into something a majority of the users don't care about, or don't even want, you are going to have hard time sustaning your profits and your community will loose faith in you and your product. And if you look here thoughout the forums, you will find that is exactly what is happening here.
Not enough of community communication and ignoring community requests is what angers the people that use maxthon. It angers me and i'm pretty sure it angers you as well. Based on what you've written you are maxthon loyalist as well. What would you rather have ? More half finished, half working blokchain products built into the browser, or reliable crashless browser that cares about security, privacy and speed? For me that is not even a question. I sure want maxthon to be successfull, widespread and to bring innovation. But perhaps to the fields where it matters.
And to answer your question. I may have a lot less topics / comments here on the forums, but i am present here almost every day. I read topics but i don't really feel the need to respond most of the times. But one of things that define me, is that I always speak my mind. And this is it. I feel that perhaps by letting Jeff know how community feels about this may knock some sense in him. And guts? What guts. There is nothing to be afraid of here. There are only few possible outcomes and none of it is anything to do with guts. Either Jeff speaks with some people and realizes he is wrong, or he books me a flight to china to speak with him personally about my concerns, or he ignores me, or I get my account banned.
Neither of those will harm me in any way.
PS: I've went though my emails and found out i've registered my MX account back in 2009. That was the era of Maxthon 2.0. But i've been using it even sooner, back when it was called MyIE2, as far as i can recall, it was somewhere around 2005 - 2007 when I started using it. Since then i've used it for around 12hrs a day almost every day. I use only two browsers. Mathon for everyday browsing and main part of web development and Vivaldi for company related stuff, because Maxthon doesn't play nicely with our inner networking SSO/LDAP related stuff.
PPS: In your feature suggestion post here in this topic you've written about using Snap (Frequently used. Useful at all times). Even though Snap is one of the most polished features of Maxthon, I have found a replacement that has few usefull quirks. It's called ShareX and it can do all the same as MX Snap, but on top of that it can autoupload to FTP or image sharing sites. And you can bind it to multiple different hotkeys / keybinds to do different things. You can set which keybinds will to what quality or what type of snap and so on...