information assistant ???????????


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who thought that up - who thinks users want that rather than a 'simple' browser 

there is a saying - a camel is a horse designed by a committee - MX5 is going that way - whatever its supposed to be it is meaningless if no one uses it and the member and post count here suggest that

Hell even some of those with coloured names post they do not use Maxthon as their browser of choice - just support it in the hope that it might get back to its roots - what does that say about the 'information assistant'


Tony     -  Vivaldi 4 on Windows 10 64Bit
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49 minutes ago, magg said:

Maxthon is no more a browser... Now it's  a (web) superb notebook, because being "just" a simple browser isn't so "amazing", "wanted by MILLIONS mx users", "innovative".


fortunately there is 4.9 for the few that still support Maxthon - 5 is just internal vanity - in business as in life we all get things wrong - putting sticking plasters on something that is terminally broken will do no good

how do those of us that still think Maxthon is good have to say it and be taken notice of rather than ignored - vanity is a terrible affliction - those that make the decisions should step outside and look in - see all the loyal users that have gone and ask why

all my opinion of course - as ever it will not register

Tony     -  Vivaldi 4 on Windows 10 64Bit
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Another "great" PR's bullshit, the same as Night Mode in Android version... :mad:

Instead wasting money and resources on this fancy GIF's and screenshots you should spend more time to fix your "innovative" browser  notebook.


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fully customise it to my liking

thats worth repeating - I CAN FULLY CUSTOMISE MX5 TO MY LIKING - well as long as i want to only hide the side bar

so to whoever wrote that crap this is my MX5 - its fully customised but not with any help from you

the only help i got/get from the devs is they removed some code to stop my CUSTOMISED side favourites bar working so i am stuck on 1200 - adding it back would go a long way to allowing me to customise to my liking on the latest builds



Tony     -  Vivaldi 4 on Windows 10 64Bit
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As ever, Tony's Golden firefox_2016-11-01_17-05-16.png is relevant to this forum.

I'm at the point where someone writing a WebKit (not Blink) browser in Rust which uses Vim-style keyboard shortcuts instead of a GUI is more interesting to me than whatever happens here disguised as 'progress'. Gone are the quick advances of Mx3, now it's about quick sales pitches to get people to try it for 5 minutes.

I went back to Firefox a while ago to help with dwindling Nightly users. At least if there's something I want to change/fix in it then I can actually do that.

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11 hours ago, dagoz said:

Maxthon 5 is horrible with the unusable Infobox/Maxnote and the pointless UUMail and Passkeeper, but it's ok as I can still use Maxthon 4. So no need to be worried


I just want a web browser.

So you don't want your "just a web browser to log you into password protected sites?  Passkeeper/MagicFill are just two names same function and they work perfectly for all but one web site where there is third-party validation that fails despite Passkeeper working correctly.  Same problem in 4.9 but 4.5.7 works perfectly.

I agree that Infobox/Maxnote is mostly misguided, counter-productive/counter-intuitive.  Its only damaged, though somewhat useful feature is bookmarks.  Restoration of Bookmarks Manager would make the bookmarks functionality complete.

I agree that UUmail is useless for me.

So much for critique of Infobox/Maxnote.



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