Vine clips won't play

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Vine HTML5 video will be rendered properly if it is a common media streaming format. Eg, the video on this url will work properly, both in ultra and retro.

Unfortunately some HTML5 video on Vine was encoded as an blob object and due to the Maxthon uses an old blink core (barebone chromium v30.x) which doesn't support IndexedDB blob storage (IndexedDB blob storage requires core v37.x to up). When reading a Blob as a stream, ultra-mode (blink core) can not recognize it as a media stream. So, every Vine html5 video that comes from the blob url type will not be rendered correctly on Ultra-mode. Eg, we can take a look on this one.

As posted by No.1MaxthonFan, switch to the retro mode will resolve this issue. The blob object will be recognized as a media stream and rendered correctly on the Trident side. You can try to open this Common iframe embed url with retro mode.

html5 blob object work properly with retro mode and not supported on ultra mode.

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