Pages opening using Retro Mode

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When i open pages like google, wikipedia, etc, it would open using retro mode even after i switched it back to ultra mode.

Which tab did you last close while on that site? Maxthon remembers the mode of the last tab closed of a particular site.

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Thanks for your response. If your page is in Retro mode before you close it, our browser will remember it, and next time the same page will be opened in the same Retro mode.This remembering fuction works the same in Ultra mode, you can choose the right mode you like before you close the tab or the browser.And next time you open the same page, you will find the right mode you want.I hope this could help you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are still confused.

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I'd be trying a clean install. You seem to have a few issues going on based on the last few threads started. And from what's been noted most are not issues that many or any users are having.


As stated above, Maxthon should remember the last mode a site was using. If it's not, something is not being saved correctly.

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after i opened the tab and i see it in retro mode, i switched it back to ultra mode before i closed it since i know maxthon would remember what mode i used before but the next time it would open in retro mode again. I seem to have a lot of problems with the latest 1800 beta like crashes, retro mode issues, etc...

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