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A little more information would be really helpful. What do you mean by "restart" Maxthon? Restart it from where? If it's already open, why do you need to restart it? And if you have closed Maxthon, you wouldn't have access to any "extension" unless you have the sidebar docked to the desktop and there's already an icon there to open Maxthon.

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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I know of no meaanss provided by Maaxthon other than the pinned sidebar available inn the installer version. But Windowss itself, at least Windows 7, offers a wsay. Launch Maxthon from its folder. Then right-click on its TaskBar icon and select "Pin to Taskbar". Thaat will keep the Maxthon icon in the taskbar.

I don't recll seeing anything like this in WinXP and do not know about Win8. I would expect Win8 to ha ve somethinig similar, but with Microsoft you never know ... logioc, consistency, or intuitiveness have not been their strenbgth


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No.1MaxthonFan replied at 2014-11-8 03:07 back.gif

A little more information would be really helpful. What do you mean by "restart" Maxthon? Restart ...

Really? Why? Because. :)

Sometimes you do not want to lose your place but you need to restart. Not shutdown. No exit. Restart.

Every other browser does this simple action.

You can google it to understand better or go here


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You mean literally restarts the browser... I'm sorry but there may not be an extension for that on Maxthon unlike Mozilla, Don't know why you want to restart your browser because it only costs you more time instead of closing tabs instead

About the Every browser has this feature, It can be a bit exaggerated since I haven't encountered restart on other browsers even Opera Mini, I only encountered Browsers restarting after they crash just like chrome...

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Silat2824508 replied at 2014-11-8 16:15 back.gif

I do not see how to restart from the pinned icon. Can you explain further?

I don't "restart", I re-launch. Whenever I do this I still have the history of my last place3 r in the case of videos, they seem to pickup where I was. Since I only use a few vidoe sites, this behaviour may not occur with other sites.

I do now understand what you mean by "restart", but I would rather relaunch to take out the garbage left by a page crash or page freeze.


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