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Release Note6

Everything posted by alexzhus

  1. No, this is exactly Maxton's problem.
  2. If you don't have this problem, it doesn't mean that others might not have it.
  3. I confirm. It also doesn't work on Windows 10 x64. But now if you copy the text and right-click on + (new tab), the copied text opens in a new tab, just like you could open a copied link before. Return it to how it was before.
  4. Name 2800, links 2600, version 2800 is installed. Figure it out.
  5. Win 7 and 8 are not supported. You are in this topic
  6. No. Turn off (disable) autofill.
  7. I'm happy for you. I have this stripe.
  8. The problem is not fixed. Installation version x64
  9. Installed. It was downloaded at 9:00 AM, then you re-uploaded the version. And in this re-uploaded one, there is already a normal log.
  10. And after installation, the following log appears in a pop-up window: Added menu hotkey display.Added sync for New Tab page settings.Fixed an issue where video sites that did not require Flash displayed a Flash playback error.Fixed an issue with abnormal note merge prompts.Fixed an issue where the tab bar did not display tabs after closing a tab.Fixed known crashes. Where is the truth?
  11. Doesn't ask me for anything.
  12. Hi! This is the line. It is indicated by the red arrow. It is transparent and therefore almost invisible on a white background. If you drag this window over text or a dark picture, it becomes visible.
  13. Try to disable the items indicated on the screenshot and check. Helped me. chrome://flags/#disable-accelerated-video-decode chrome://flags/#disable-accelerated-video-encode