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DONG DONG last won the day on October 25 2021

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  • Birthday 03/09/2003

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  1. Why can't I access notifications? I actually receive notifications on the browser, but when I click on them, they don't open. And It happens In all websites except Facebook messenger and WhatsApp web.. bandicam 2024-08-03 14-01-56-051.mp4
  2. All The Vids like this.. I can't download any video.. It's Just like this.. nothing else, YT, Twitter X, Instagram, Any website.. bandicam 2024-02-21 17-11-34-985.mp4
  3. I tried this feature so many times here, But it did not work and no video was ever uploaded through it. It's not like MX5 Downloader..
  4. The problem is that it is not a single video that I cannot download, but any video..
  5. Why I can't Download Any Video By Maxthon Download? It's Just Like This..
  6. Is there a way to recover Bookmarks deleted due to synchronization between phone and computer? It's a big problem, seriously. This is forcing me to never use the phone version again. It's very bad. It deleted Bookmarks without my request. I was very surprised by that when I now entered my list and did not find entire folders including files.. I hope you include this..
  7. Why can't I change the locations of the sites in the bookmarks page? I can only do that from the bookmarks bar.
  8. Guys, is everyone having trouble reloading pages even though this feature is disabled?
  9. Yes, I'm Using The Latest one, But now It works.