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Everything posted by projektilski

  1. The problems with my Google account continue
  2. What cache? I used the CLEAN (EMPTY) portable version. Guest account works, but when I log in to Maxthon with my account on that CLEAN portable version, after a restart, Google accounts are logged out. I have the same behavior on multiple PCs.
  3. The portable version works when logged in as a Guest. I can restart Maxthon, and Google remains logged in. If I log in with my account and disable ALL extensions, it still asks me to log in every restart. If I restart in safe mode, log in with my account, and then restart again in safe mode, it remains logged in. If I restart from safe mode with my account to normal mode with my account (without any extensions enabled), it asks me to log in. Something is very fishy here. EDIT: I used a clean portable version to test and during the test was the first time I logged in with my account.
  4. Google account is still not remembered. EXTREMELY annoying. I have three accounts and logging each time to all three is a pain in the ass. Please fix this ASAP. And of course, all other reported bugs are still there.
  5. I know Chrome forces some apps like YouTube to be installed. They can be found in Program and Features or Installed Apps (in the Settings) Maybe that is the problem.
  6. I already gave up complaining about reported issues. Maxthon STILL forces an icon on the desktop when upgraded and installed. Maxthon STILL asks for confirmation when opening more than 18 tabs Maxthon STILL does not show properly how many tabs are hidden when there are more than 100.
  7. Why? Both stable and beta have their own issues. If you want something fixed, you should try beta.
  8. This one introduced strange behavior on some sites.
  9. I just got updated to No news here about this version, no changelog.
  10. Thank you, but it would be fair to post about it in the English part of the forum. It's been days and still nothing.
  11. So what about, which I got updated on? No posts about it.
  12. Please add an option to remove this popup permanently.
  13. Thank you for the information. This is acceptable behavior even though when we check "BETA" checkbox we do agree to receive an "unstable" version. So waiting for the user feedback to push it via auto-update should not be necessary, however, it is better to have a slight delay of a few days and receive the latest beta than not to receive it at all
  14. Yeah, this feature is not crucial, and there are more important things, but if you implement it, it needs to function like in all other applications. Also, that feature is already there, they just need to ditch the idea that "only some beta will be pushed through auto-update feature" and make it so that all betas are included. I have multiple devices and it is a big annoyance to check every day if there is a new beta, download it, and then install it manually on all those devices. A fully working feature of auto-update where "up to date" really means up to date would make my life a lot easier.
  15. Why would I imagine such a stupid thing? Who wants such a feature? I want to be "up to date" in the full meaning of what "up to date" means. If "update to beta" is not checked then I expect the latest stable release at the time of check, and when "update to beta" is checked it should be the latest beta. This is how all other software works and Maxthon should follow that pattern.
  16. Let me prove again the point about the built-in update feature of Maxthon and its uselessness and how it deceives users. It says I'm up to date. But am I? No, I'm not. It's a factual lie. It is extremely annoying and shows disrespect to its users.
  17. Thanks for the tip about the Passkeeper popup. Why was it turned off in the first place and why is this option hidden on the Passkeeper webpage? Creating the MaxNote shortcut is not the same as creating the Maxthon shortcut. Also, it should remember my previous choice if upgrading. I don't want to remove the Maxthon shortcut every time there is an upgrade. I like my desktop (and taskbar) clean. Regarding the auto-update option. It is very misleading (and I could say a lie) to have an option "update to beta" checked and that browser says you are "up to date" even though there is a newer beta to be downloaded manually. Maxthon is the only software that I know of, where the "up to date" with the BETA option checked is not "up to date" to the latest BETA. There is a clear meaning of what "up to date" means and what Maxthon is doing is not that.
  18. A while ago my Maxthon stopped asking to to save passwords on new sites. It does ask to update (if changed) on a previously saved site. This happens with at least 5-10 latest betas (including 8200). In addition to this new behavior, it never asked to save a password on the ESXI web interface - this is true for all versions. The bug, when more than 100 tabs are hidden, not showing the whole number of hidden tabs is still there. Installation should remember installation settings from before and should ask if we want both icons (mx and note) on the desktop and taskbar and remember those choices. Next time when I upgrade (and it should know it is an upgrade) it should offer previously selected options. I don't like to delete icons from desktop and taskbar every time I do an upgrade. Update to BETA version still does not do what it is supposed to do - update to the LATEST beta.
  19. Yeah, it was not there when I asked. In the meantime I am on 7.1.8001 which is also not shown
  20. So my Maxthon notified me there is a new release ( that is nowhere to be found on these forums. Cool
  21. Hi, thx for the info, but it is a bit vague. What does it mean for the time being? Currently, Chrome also supports V2, but it will cut the support in 2024. Will Maxthon continue to support V2 in 2024 and later?
  22. Hi, any news regarding Manifest V2? This is still a very important issue. If Maxthon stops supporting Manifest V2 it might lose many users, including myself (and I've been using it for 10 years at least). Ublock Origin which depends on Manifest V2 (Not 3) is a must-have.
  23. Hi BugSir009, When you have a checkbox option named "Update the beta version" it implies an update to the latest beta, not major beta which is not the latest. Those who want the beta version and use this option, want the latest beta, nothing else. You should either remove the option or make it the latest beta. If it's not the latest, we need to manually check forum threads (which also do get changed as we can see) to get the latest beta which makes the built-in option useless.
  24. The two latest betas were not published here. I was also wondering what was going on. Also built-in feature to update to the beta version automatically is sh*t as it does not update to the latest beta, only those betas that developers deem worthy so this option is also not reliable.