Classic Gtalk [success]


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edit: got it, see my 2nd post.

I've finally found a way to get back the gtalk talkgadget panel, not the new hangouts without the need of an API (like a google talk extension that someone had made for Maxthon ages ago and then removed because of said api issues), and I would add it to the sidebar, but I'm thinking something more along the lines of a bookmarklet that opens an iframe with this html code in it:

here's the source code:

I know how to make an iframe at bare minimum, but I can't get it to work. The only iframe example that fits what I am looking to do is the dropmark extension, available here:

edit: I've gotten an iframe to work as its own html document, but that doesn't help making it a bookmarklet: (source code:

please help?

edit; okay got it somewhat, just need better poisitoning...: see image:


here's the code:javascript:var%20ifra=document.createElement('iframe');ifra.src="";ifra.setAttribute("width","194");ifra.setAttribute("height","750");ifra.setAttribute("left","0");ifra.setAttribute("borders","no");ifra.setAttribute("scrollbars","no");ifra.setAttribute("top","0");void(document.body.appendChild(ifra));



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edit: darn, it won't work as an addon.

but, YAY got the bookmarklet:javascript:var%20ifra=document.createElement('iframe');ifra.src="";ifra.setAttribute("width","194");ifra.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; top: 25px; left: 0px;');ifra.setAttribute("height","750");ifra.setAttribute("borders","no");ifra.setAttribute("scrollbars","no");void(document.body.appendChild(ifra));4214



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Imanerd replied at 2013-10-14 20:50 back.gif

edit: darn, it won't work as an addon.

but, YAY got the bookmarklet:


here is your addon. I changed this 2 attributes

ifra.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; top: 15px; left: 0px;');

ifra.setAttribute("height", "570");

your original was:

ifra.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; top: 25px; left: 0px;');

ifra.setAttribute("height", "750");

I set

"entryPoints": ,

you can delete sidebar. Toolbar is compatible only for MX3

Classic Gtalk.mxaddon

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Positronis replied at 2013-10-14 20:04 back.gif

have you formatted your PC? If so. Install Net Framework and check you updates

actually dawns on me I might not have been clear: sorry I had meant the extension center won't accept it. works finely as an extension.


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Positronis replied at 2013-10-14 20:09 back.gif

yes I understand, GUID problem is caused by "Net Framework" and "Visual C". Install too "msxml4"

but it's not how would .NET frameworks affect it...?

if it's something software-related, then it's server-side....


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Positronis replied at 2013-10-14 20:13 back.gif

as an extension will work perfectly another case is the extension center

I still don't understand what I have to do to make the extension center accept it, since installing software locally on my computer wouldn't affect the site's acceptance, especially since it's worked in the past, every time I've submitted an extension, without installing software's not a local problem...


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Positronis replied at 2013-10-14 20:41 back.gif

Updated today without problem

seems I've overlooked one particular thing: I didn't code the frame to properly open chat message boxes for individual chat, for once you click on a person's name.

also Koding is having some stability issues, kinda.


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