Maxthon doesn't like UFC


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On 9/17/2023 at 3:57 AM, veljo said:

Maxthon really doesn't like UFC. Cannot play videos or display pictures properly.

Maxthon (Version7.1.6.1600(64-bit)0904 16:24), Windows 10 pro:Maxthon.thumb.png.c1255ebd926a7163e8c89737536f51a3.png





Any suggestions?

Hi veljo, kindly download and install the latest version V7.1.6.1700 and try again.



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7 hours ago, veljo said:

On Windows 11, works normally. Another PC, Windows 10 (Version7.1.6.1800(64-bit)0918 09:47), they are still "compressed". AdBlock is green. No other extension installed.


Hi veljo, seems like you are using retro mode, could you switch back to ultra mode and try again?



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