Why Maxthon starting so slow

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First - sorry for my English!

Maxthon is my favourite browser from years, but last 2 of them I am very disappointed! I suffer with Maxthon, and start to try other browsers. What happens - when click Maxthon icon the browser start normaly, then begins to "thinking", and after 10,15,20 seconds appears my home page - its google, and when I start typing there is other "thinking". Another 5-10 seconds and finaly I may use it! I try with Chromium based browser - there is no such thing! I think it is because I have very much favourites and passwords and move them to Chromium - again there is no problem. Please, tell me what to do or try, because I like Maxthon!

Thank You in advance!

PS I have not any malware on my PC - checked with many programs!

Maxthon version 

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Really thanks for your loyalty to Maxthon. It's a pity that you are experiencing the slowness problem this time. 

Did the problem start recently ? Maybe you can try the portable version of Maxthon version  , the portable version can be faster.

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