Maxthon 4.9 in Linux with Wine


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Hi everybody how are you?.

Many here maybe are a little disappointed due to the abandonment of Maxthon linux. It is also likely that some of the great features that distinguish Maxthon never reach linux or at least in the short term. That's why I set the task of run the maxthon windows in linux using wine.

He has worked well with fedora 23, but should work with other districts smoothly.

Tested with:
Wine 1.8 and 1.9
Maxthon v4.9.0.2400, v4.9.0.2600 and v4.9.2.400

1 - The first is to install Wine.
2 - The second is to install "Internet explorer 8" it is necessary install "winetricks" around here.
3 - From the console, enter the command: "winetricks ie8" asked restart after installation.




4 - Run"Internet explorer 8" with the command: wine 'C:\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore' and wait for the Welcome window.


5 - We open settings of  "Wine" and the graphics tab mark the third box: "Allow the window manager to control the windows".


6 - Install Maxthon and enjoy.

I hope this will be helpful, GREETINGS!.


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