Swiftkey keyboard in Maxthon

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Hi there, SwiftKey Community team here. Can you send an email with a bit more detail like, what device and OS you are using, what exactly is happening and what you are expecting to happen? Please send in a response to reviews@swiftkey.com and we will get this logged for our dev team. Thanks for the feedback!

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EricSwiftKey replied at 2015-4-6 20:39 back.gif

Hi there, SwiftKey Community team here. Can you send an email with a bit more detail like, what devi ...

You know Maxthon for Android supports 3 UA view modes (Desktop/Android/ipad) swiftkey keyboard has problem in Desktop view mode in Googlettranslatepage, when you start typing (into English or any other languages) into panel then swiftkey keyboard turning off


DEVICE=SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 10.1

SwiftKey keyboard just in Maxthon with Desktop view UA HAS PROBLEM OTHER browsers under Android this problem do not exist because of UA is always working as Android view

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EricSwiftKey replied at 2015-4-6 20:39 back.gif

Hi there, SwiftKey Community team here. Can you send an email with a bit more detail like, what devi ...

You know Maxthon for Android supports 3 UA view modes (Desktop/Android/ipad) swiftkey keyboard has problem in Desktop view mode in Googlettranslatepage, when you start typing (into English or any other languages) into panel then swiftkey keyboard turning off


DEVICE=SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 10.1

SwiftKey keyboard just in Maxthon with Desktop view UA HAS PROBLEM OTHER browsers under Android this problem do not exist because of UA is always working as Android view

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