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  1. I sometimes have problems with bookmarks not being in the right place to appear on the Bookmarks bar. Assuming all your bookmarks are still there, I find the Bookmark manager has very useful click and drag abilities to allow me to quickly move folders around, so everything is back in the right place to appear on the bookmarks bar. You can access it via the toolbar icon, or with this on the address bar: mx://bookmarks/ Of course, it would be good for the problem to not happen in the first place.
  2. In your last image the yandex clid is visible, from my understanding of how the search urls work, this would enable anybody to copy that id and do searches that would be logged against your identity in Yandex. Probably no big deal, but I am interested in privacy concerns and thought I should mention it.
  3. Did a fresh install of beta and successfully synced my data after signing in. During the time that I have been using it, everything is working as it should be, which is great. Of course, some compatibility problems continue to be present because of Chrome 109, but the developers already know about that, so I am not going to list the issues. Thank you for the update, and I will be back to report any problems if they occur.
  4. Whether a browser can show high-definition playback, is not about whether the chromium core is up-to-date or not. For example, even though SRWare Iron which uses a more recent core than Maxthon and is currently on the 123.0 chromium engine, but it still shows the message to update your browser. It really is that only specific browsers are supported. I have tried quite a few Chromium forks that aren't on the "officially supported" list and they all have the same issue, it doesn't matter whether they are recent, or lagging behind like Maxthon.
  5. All the big streaming services, have chosen to only support a limited set of mainstream browsers at the higher resolutions. For example, for Prime Video the approved list is here: So if you are using any other browser (or operating system) you are stuck with standard resolution (whatever that is?) and there is no way to work around it.
  6. I have attached the contents of the log file which shows what happens when trying to open portable 64 bit version, but the window immediately closes. 20240514.log
  7. I did a totally fresh install of portable 64 bit version in a new folder, and it ran fine the first two or three times (and synced fast and fully after signing in which was great) but then the problem appeared that clicking on Maxthon.exe starts the program and I can see a brief flash of a window as the program instantly exits. It simply won't run any more, so 9600 being a beta, I have switched back to the safety of
  8. I couldn't find why Yandex Messenger doesn't work on one computer by saying Maxthon is out of date, but works fine on the other. I removed all extensions but that made no difference. Despite the problems some people have reported with, I installed it and now Yandex Messenger is now working fine! A bit mysterious, and is not giving me any problems.
  9. @Mhzayer thanks for checking. I tried on a different computer and can confirm that Yandex Messenger is working on it. So I will go back to the original computer with the problem, and see if I can figure out the difference. Btw, they are both Windows 10.
  10. I have even set the User Agent to the latest Chrome, but that doesn't trick Yandex Messenger into working.
  11. I like to think that "updating browser engine" means that a newer Chromium version is in the works for Maxthon. Something like 120 or newer would be very welcome.
  12. I agree that if Maxthon are going to make a Super bookmarks extension then it should work well. But I am curious about the choice to use Maxnote for bookmarking, is there are particular reason to use it instead of the regular bookmarks?
  13. These are features I find unique to Maxthon, or think that it is fantastic that I don't need an extension to make them work. The zoom controls on the Status line are convenient because I don't need to go to a pull down, or use my other hand to press Ctrl with the mouse wheel. Read aloud works well and allows me to listen to a page while doing something else. The Snap Screen editing tools are very useful. The separate Search Bar suits the way I like to search. The mouse hover to activate tab is an outstanding idea that I use all the time. Storing Private Notes is handy. The Restore button is quicker than using History for recent pages. The Video downloader works surprisingly well, I might even get a subscription? Downloads showing the URL makes it easy to use a separate download manager. I use the Windows Task bar to keep organised, and the Name Window tool is very clever.
  14. I am using the beta version of Maxthon, and am currently on Version (32-bit) 0403 19:30 I added 4 notes on one computer, and one another computer that is synced, 3 of the notes are empty, and the title of 1 is incorrect. On my phone 1 of the notes is empty and incorrectly titled. As mentioned, I made sure everything is synced. The three attached images, are of the original computer, and the other two show the missing/incorrect notes on other devices.