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vedicaudio last won the day on December 12 2021

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  1. Hi there, would you like to add the BSV address to your personal profile? I will give you some Vpoints. ?


    1. vedicaudio


      I have no idea what BSV or Vpoints are...

    2. BugSir006


      We will release some games, you can use the Vpoint to join the game. ?

  2. Today I updated to This reverted my skin to the Maxthon original, which wasn't surprising. Can I go ahead an install the most recent skin package, or do I need to wait for an updated skin package for *each* new MX5 version that is released?
  3. @Wilser, I'm using, had to downgrade for a while because the latest version was causing strange behavior on my PC. @MaxthonDevs, if you are going to support skins, wouldn't it be better to actually have an option within the program to "load" a skin, rather than making the user overwrite files in the Bin folder, which requires admin privleges? It's not a very elegant way to implement this feature.
  4. Surprised that no one has reported this issue yet, which makes me wonder if it has to do with my particular screen resolution (1920x1080). If I open 7 tabs, the 7th tab overlaps with the skins and minimize window icon. This is using the regular Alpha skin. Thanks, Luke