Maxthon wont save proxy settings

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Hey guys,

i really love this browser and used it a lot in the last few months, but since yesterday i encountered a problem that i cant fix myself.

I always use private socks5 proxies with the browser and since yesterday it does not save the settings for the proxies anymore:
look at the pictures for further details, any help would be appreciated.

ps. im using windows 7 on parrallels (mac)

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-05 um 11.58.52.png

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-05 um 11.59.12.png

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19 hours ago, xpsallday said:

Hey guys,

i really love this browser and used it a lot in the last few months, but since yesterday i encountered a problem that i cant fix myself.

I always use private socks5 proxies with the browser and since yesterday it does not save the settings for the proxies anymore:
look at the pictures for further details, any help would be appreciated.

ps. im using windows 7 on parrallels (mac)


your config is "exotic" and this may explain that...

I have no valid proxy to test.. make sure maxthon files in appdata are not set on "read only"


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