GUID Error


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  • 2 weeks later...


First time instal on your computer Microsoft Net framework and check your updates.

Here is your addon, now you can upload and share.

Now your errors:

Remove comma from:

"author": {

"name": "bricky149",

"email": ","

"title": {"en": "Ponyhoof"},

"description": {"en": "Ponify Facebook and make it 20% cooler!",},

"js": ,]



"icon": "icon",

Icon sizes are: icon_16.png, icon_32,png, icon_48.png

Extension version number

"version": "1.0.561",

Should be 3 integers splited by "."

Every integer up to 4 digits

"frameworkVersion": "1.0.1", not 1.0.6






the order was broken




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It was the missing bracket that caused the error and I didn't notice it until now. Thanks! :)

Just for reference: "icon" is an optional attribute, frameworkVersion is currently at 1.0.6, the extension version is the same as the script (now at 1.571) and the trailing commas don't make a difference but were removed on my end after uploading the file to here.

Edit: I see Discuz doesn't like ">.>" in the comments. :L

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