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Release Note6

Everything posted by avegaweiss

  1. I've added some snapshots, and then, the infobox became inusable. When I try to access some of the content, the app freezes and I need to close window. Now, I've lost access to my notes...... Some idea?
  2. a. In this page, password field fills automatically, but username doesn't. I think you can try, even with fake users. https://www.invertironline.com/User/Login?currentUrl=%2FMiCuenta%2FMiPortafolio b. I try with a clean install, and CTRL-F1 problem was fixed. Thanks! c. Find problem is intermitent. I'll try to get some dump log next time.
  3. Some issues I continue findind on 4.9 track: - magic fill only fills some of the entries, but not all - Snap can't be associated to CTRL-F1 (or just CTRL-F1 shortcut not working) - Find in page Freezes almost every time I try to use (and need to kill maxthon from task manager) On the other hand, PLEASE! go back to some key features: - split screen - developer tools on both retro and ultra mode Also I miss more frequent updates, where some minor bugs were corrected very fast. Is Maxthon still a live project? I see more focus on "search de maxthon pet name", or "greetins for all these years ", than in paid atention to users requests.......