• Maxthon crached when printing a web-page as a picture

    Shlomo Blumberg

    When trying to save an expanded picture from Instegram or save a web-page, as an image, the browser crassed. both in Ultar and Retro modes.

    I will appreciate any assistance


    .i.e. while trying to save as an image, browser crached. While saving as a file, it is OK

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    I have forwarded it to the dev team, and will come back to you shortly. :)

    Besides, it will be highly appreciated if you could send the crash report to me(here or private message to me are both ok)

    Crash report's location:


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    The crash report:

    {"deviceid":"9219B653AFC99690AF6659D99EA0894E27740000","uid":"30135312","usertime":3229,"cv":"","l":"en-us","pn":"max3","maxthoninfo":"Maxthon.exe%20=%","addonslist":"%7B04AC6340-763E-44ed-AAA0-B06EEAA420D1%7D%0D%0A%7B04AC6340-763E-44ed-AAA0-B06EEAA425D7%7D%0D%0A%7B0C5ABF08-FEA9-496d-B27E-AC68FD50B591%7D%0D%0A%7B1a0f4c3b-0b63-488e-8773-81dbbba3dd2e%7D%0D%0A%7B865F4696-506B-4c50-81B8-695E80707EA9%7D%0D%0A%7B870AEBCD-6002-4d0e-AC12-8A78302AD592%7D%0D%0A%7B8EF8AB7A-89D1-4D48-AC73-CD98C535B9BA%7D%0D%0A%7B94853AA3-F0EA-4443-BCD0-6590FF82990F%7D%0D%0A%7B97F9E5A0-10F1-4f86-9AE2-3F28BD6452E5%7D%0D%0A%7B9DB3DE41-E5A1-4f72-B49A-D100DC5DF972%7D%0D%0A%7BA1E2A4A1-63E8-4ff4-A630-E23C7BFB78C9%7D%0D%0A%7BB024CB0A-372F-46C1-8910-FC91BEA4B4C6%7D%0D%0A%7BC391736C-B08C-4212-BCFA-F9599B829E87%7D%0D%0A%7BC3B59C8A-21BC-4db2-9998-D19945EBD3D6%7D%0D%0A%7BCCB15700-FFBB-47C4-AF62-9C9E66EB3EE8%7D%0D%0A%7BD81212CF-E179-445b-8266-1357BD397478%7D%0D%0A%7BD82346CE-EC6A-4fad-895D-6E5137BCFE28%7D%0D%0A%7BE1F6559D-E288-46fc-8343-3A47DEE8A172%7D%0D%0A%7BE365A1E3-5DBE-4b63-809E-9F51DDF3273C%7D%0D%0A%7BED7F50D4-B816-47CD-AB22-D0C103AFB394%7D%0D%0A%7BEF9EDE38-F0D9-4E2C-8D08-906F97369CC7%7D%0D%0A","systeminfo":"Physical%20memory%20total:%208588943360%0D%0APhysical%20memory%20free:%203181408256%0D%0APage%20file%20total:%2017175982080%0D%0APage%20file%20free:%2010320662528%0D%0AVirtual%20memory%20total:%202147352576%0D%0AVirtual%20memory%20free:%20944099328%0D%0AProcess%20Memory%20Usage:%0D%0APeakWorkingSetSize:%20644972544%0D%0AWorkingSetSize:%20578203648%0D%0APagefileUsage:%20507998208%0D%0A","commandinfo":"%22C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMaxthon.exe%22%20","sv":"6.1.7601.Service Pack 1","crashtime":1474790860,"m":"Maxthon","n":"mx_core.dll","stack":"1=0001:000DAF17%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A2=0001:005645A5%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A3=0001:00564970%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A4=0001:00146EF4%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A5=0001:00221AB7%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A6=0001:00097713%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A7=0001:0058ABA6%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A8=0001:00555578%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A9=0001:00554D86%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A10=0001:0058B772%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A11=0001:0058BD5C%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A12=0001:00555325%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A13=0001:00061772%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A14=0001:001C31CB%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A15=0001:001EF8BB%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A16=0001:0018409E%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A17=0001:00183F56%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A18=0001:000C4B85%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CCore%5CBlink%5Cmx_core.dll_2.1.13.248%0D%0A19=0001:0019340B%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMxBrowser.dll_1.0.0.98%0D%0A20=0001:00191FAE%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMxBrowser.dll_1.0.0.98%0D%0A21=0001:000262FD%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMxBrowser.dll_1.0.0.98%0D%0A22=0001:000062FA%20C:%5CWindows%5Csyswow64%5CUSER32.dll_6.1.7601.23528%0D%0A23=0001:00006D3A%20C:%5CWindows%5Csyswow64%5CUSER32.dll_6.1.7601.23528%0D%0A24=0001:000077C4%20C:%5CWindows%5Csyswow64%5CUSER32.dll_6.1.7601.23528%0D%0A25=0001:0000788A%20C:%5CWindows%5Csyswow64%5CUSER32.dll_6.1.7601.23528%0D%0A26=0001:000EA4D5%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMxBrowser.dll_1.0.0.98%0D%0A27=0001:000E9C0B%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMxBrowser.dll_1.0.0.98%0D%0A28=0001:00002E3B%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMaxthon.exe_4.9.3.1000%0D%0A29=0001:00002A7D%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMaxthon.exe_4.9.3.1000%0D%0A30=0001:00001266%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMaxthon.exe_4.9.3.1000%0D%0A31=0001:000012B1%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMaxthon.exe_4.9.3.1000%0D%0A32=0001:00006F33%20C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CMaxthon3%5CBin%5CMaxthon.exe_4.9.3.1000%0D%0A33=0001:0000336A%20C:%5CWindows%5Csyswow64%5Ckernel32.dll_6.1.7601.23539%0D%0A34=0001:00029902%20C:%5CWindows%5CSysWOW64%5Cntdll.dll_6.1.7601.23539%0D%0A35=0001:000298D5%20C:%5CWindows%5CSysWOW64%5Cntdll.dll_6.1.7601.23539%0D%0A"}


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    I returned to version and the saving as image problem was solved

    Also solved the folowing problems:

    1. Suddenly the tabs became black and I have to refresh all tabs or restart maxthon

    2. Very slow show up of the favorites when selected


    However, I already got used to the 4.9 version and will appreciate to get an indication when this problems will be solved on the newer version

    Also, for now I can't connect/reconnect and therefore I am working off-line and can't synchronize my data on the cloud


    Edited by Shlomo Blumberg
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    On 2016/9/27 at 6:33 PM, Shlomo Blumberg said:


    I returned to version and the saving as image problem was solved

    Also solved the folowing problems:

    1. Suddenly the tabs became black and I have to refresh all tabs or restart maxthon

    2. Very slow show up of the favorites when selected


    However, I already got used to the 4.9 version and will appreciate to get an indication when this problems will be solved on the newer version

    Also, for now I can't connect/reconnect and therefore I am working off-line and can't synchronize my data on the cloud


    I have transferred your crash report to our dev team, and will come back to you shortly.

    But actually this problem is only raised by you so I think the problem may be caused by some customized settings by you. I suggest you try resetting your browser to default, or clearing the cache...etc.

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    I would like to summarize the problems I face with ,Maxthon 4.9

    1. As started, the browser crash when trying to save as image.

    2. After some working time, the windows became black and I need to refresh-all which sometimes helps and sometimes I need to close the browser and start again

    3. From time to time the browser freeze or crash and restarts my computer - In such a case, my

    Last-session disappears although it is appears in the setting startup list but I can't use it and need to build my multiple tabs from the beginning using History

    4. In such a case (after crashing), my History is also disappears (History D.B. destroyed) although it is marked as History sync. and I need to open the on-line history or to select the Rebuild option.

    5. In many cases when watching Facebook in Ultra mode, the videos are not shown and I see a black screen with turning circle. When I switch to Retro and come back to Ultra, the problem is fixed

    6. In most of the cases, after computer restart, the browser doesn't keep my last settings of the Minimized view and starts at its Maximized view (Other applications do keeps their Minimized view)

    Don't know if you are going to invest in improving this version of Maxthon, but I would like to help in finding the problems I am facing

    All the best




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    On 2016/10/5 at 8:40 PM, Shlomo Blumberg said:

    I would like to summarize the problems I face with ,Maxthon 4.9

    1. As started, the browser crash when trying to save as image.

    2. After some working time, the windows became black and I need to refresh-all which sometimes helps and sometimes I need to close the browser and start again

    3. From time to time the browser freeze or crash and restarts my computer - In such a case, my

    Last-session disappears although it is appears in the setting startup list but I can't use it and need to build my multiple tabs from the beginning using History

    4. In such a case (after crashing), my History is also disappears (History D.B. destroyed) although it is marked as History sync. and I need to open the on-line history or to select the Rebuild option.

    5. In many cases when watching Facebook in Ultra mode, the videos are not shown and I see a black screen with turning circle. When I switch to Retro and come back to Ultra, the problem is fixed

    6. In most of the cases, after computer restart, the browser doesn't keep my last settings of the Minimized view and starts at its Maximized view (Other applications do keeps their Minimized view)

    Don't know if you are going to invest in improving this version of Maxthon, but I would like to help in finding the problems I am facing

    All the best




    I have received your crash report from gmail, and have transferred them to dev.

    I'm so sorry for bringing you so many inconvenience. Have you tried v4.9.4.1000 yet? We have released his new version.

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    On 10/5/2016 at 8:40 PM, Shlomo Blumberg said:

    I would like to summarize the problems I face with ,Maxthon 4.9

    1. As started, the browser crash when trying to save as image.

    2. After some working time, the windows became black and I need to refresh-all which sometimes helps and sometimes I need to close the browser and start again

    3. From time to time the browser freeze or crash and restarts my computer - In such a case, my

    Last-session disappears although it is appears in the setting startup list but I can't use it and need to build my multiple tabs from the beginning using History

    4. In such a case (after crashing), my History is also disappears (History D.B. destroyed) although it is marked as History sync. and I need to open the on-line history or to select the Rebuild option.

    5. In many cases when watching Facebook in Ultra mode, the videos are not shown and I see a black screen with turning circle. When I switch to Retro and come back to Ultra, the problem is fixed

    6. In most of the cases, after computer restart, the browser doesn't keep my last settings of the Minimized view and starts at its Maximized view (Other applications do keeps their Minimized view)

    Don't know if you are going to invest in improving this version of Maxthon, but I would like to help in finding the problems I am facing

    All the best




    Hi Shlomo,

    The devs gave feedback after studying your crash report. Suggestions are as follows:

    1. You can press "Win + R" keyboard > run "%appdata%" and press "Enter" > find the folder named "maxthon3", and rename this folder to any other name.

    2. Search out a file named "snap_screen.config" in your computer, and delete it.

    After these two operation, kindly test with same version and give a feedback here if it is convenient for you :)

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    1. Didn't try yet version

    When looking in my version ABOUT option it writen that I have the latset version, will try later

    2. Will made all your instructions, try and let you know

    All the best

    Edited by Shlomo Blumberg
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    8 hours ago, Shlomo Blumberg said:

    When looking in my version ABOUT option it writen that I have the latset version, will try later

    Yes because the new version is only public released on forum, official website, and FB, but the product team hasn't pushed notification for that.

    8 hours ago, Shlomo Blumberg said:

    2. Will made all your instructions, try and let you know

    Thank you :)

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    • Hello again,

      1. can't find the file snap_screen.config on my computer, in which folder I should look for?

      2. I install version - same crashing problem, in addition the Forum tab is shown corrupted at the right top corner - the links/symbols of create, notifications and messages not shown and I can't add new post to our  conversation - I am communicating now via Microsoft IE...

      3. My NOD32 anti-virus is claiming that during last version installation and after installing, that there is a file named Win32/Maxthon.A   that may hurm my computer - I took a risk and continue installing by ignoring NOD32 alert, can you elaborate regarding this file? what is its purpose?


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    On 10/13/2016 at 11:26 AM, Shlomo Blumberg said:

    can't find the file snap_screen.config on my computer, in which folder I should look for?

    It's ok, does it work when you did the first operation of rename?

    In my computer, this file is on following path:


    On 10/13/2016 at 11:26 AM, Shlomo Blumberg said:

    same crashing problem, in addition the Forum tab is shown corrupted at the right top corner - the links/symbols of create, notifications and messages not shown and I can't add new post to our  conversation

    Since we could duplicate it, it will be complex to identify the cause. Did this problem happen every time when you use v4.9.4.1000?

    On 10/13/2016 at 11:26 AM, Shlomo Blumberg said:

    that there is a file named Win32/Maxthon.A  

    First don't worry dear Shlomo, Maxthon will never ruin our fame by including a virus file in our software. Don't worry.:D

    Could you tell the name of the file that was reported as virus? Win32/Maxthon.A is a name of a file or folder? or it's only a path. Since my PC is of Win64bit, I didn't get a folder or file named "Maxthon.A" here. So it will be helpful if you could find out this file and give a screenshot to us.

    Thank you very much!

    Edited by BugSir006
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    As I wasn't able to find a direct download link from Maxthon, only via second hand providers therefor I used first the FILEHIPPO provider.

    Attached is the two screen-shots from my LOG_FILES at NOD32 and another from the quarantine when in the first installation from FILEHIPPO I allowed the NOD32 to remove it and that the installation failed. Afterward I use

    another provider - FILEHORSE and took a risk continuing the installation -

    you may see my anti-virus alert also for that provider

    As I told you, I am using the IE because I can't communicate via the new 4.9.4 version *can't add a comment)

    Untitled 1.png

    Untitled 2.png

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    On 2016/10/14 at 9:05 PM, Shlomo Blumberg said:

    As I wasn't able to find a direct download link from Maxthon, only via second hand providers therefor I used first the FILEHIPPO provider.

    Attached is the two screen-shots from my LOG_FILES at NOD32 and another from the quarantine when in the first installation from FILEHIPPO I allowed the NOD32 to remove it and that the installation failed. Afterward I use

    another provider - FILEHORSE and took a risk continuing the installation -

    you may see my anti-virus alert also for that provider

    As I told you, I am using the IE because I can't communicate via the new 4.9.4 version *can't add a comment)

    Untitled 1.png

    Untitled 2.png

    Thank you for your reply Shlomo, let me give feedbacks one by one:

    1. ESET issue has been raised by other users before, which is caused by the User Experience Improvement Program of Maxthon, which you could get more information from Menu>Settings>Advanced>Others. 

    After checking it, Maxthon could collect some of the user experience data to improve our product for you, but the default of this option is UNCHECKED, so you should not be worried about it.

    But ESET has a more sensitive notification system so it recognize all about UEIP as a danger. You can see from your screenshot that all dangerous files that were reported were all about UEIP.

    We will improve this in futuer versions, and make sure that it will not be "misunderstood" by any anti-virus software. :)

    2. Regarding to the comment issue on forum. I once also duplicated your problem before, but it may not be only related with browser itself. I once tried to swift the User Agent to Chrome, and then come back to unchecked, too, everything is normal.

    You can try that, too, and give feedback here.

    3. How about the crash problem of saving pictures? Did it happen again after the two solutions above?


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    • I switched the forum page from Retro to Ultra and now I can add comment and the Header is OK. - So, the problem is only in Retro mode.(I changed to Retro due to the problem with facebook, mentioned herein in paragraph 5)
    • I checked the  User Experience Improvement Program to participate
    • As I wrote, the issue with the save as picture still exists with the version


    • as I wrote on 5.10.16 -

    I would like to summarize the problems I face with ,Maxthon 4.9

    1. As started, the browser crash when trying to save as image.

    2. After some working time, the windows became black and I need to refresh-all which sometimes helps and sometimes I need to close the browser and start again

    3. From time to time the browser freeze or crash and restarts my computer - In such a case, my

    Last-session disappears although it is appears in the setting startup list but I can't use it and need to build my multiple tabs from the beginning using History

    4. In such a case (after crashing), my History is also disappears (History D.B. destroyed) although it is marked asHistory sync. and I need to open the on-line history or to select the Rebuild option.

    5. In many cases when watching Facebook in Ultra mode, the videos are not shown and I see a black screen with turning circle. When I switch to Retro and come back to Ultra, the problem is fixed

    6. In most of the cases, after computer restart, the browser doesn't keep my last settings of the Minimized view and starts at its Maximized view (Other applications do keeps their Minimized view)

    Don't know if you are going to invest in improving this version of Maxthon, but I would like to help in finding the problems I am facing

    All the best



    All the issues mentioned above, still exists with the version

    All the best

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    20 hours ago, Shlomo Blumberg said:


    My Maxthon encountered fatal error and closed

    Sending crash folder zipped


    Sorry for so many inconvenience to you...It's really bad experience.

    The new crash report has been transferred again to the devs, and will wait for their further reply.

    Besides, we think these problems have some relationship with your user environment. Could you tell more about your device information? win7? 64bit? whether the discs are full? Besides, have you try clearing the cache after you exit the browser? I remember I may reminded you about that. have you tried? not work?

    Besides, have you ever considering upgrade to MX5 version? though I know the best result is everything going back to normal even if you use the current version. Only a suggestion, anyway.

    Here's the download link for V5.0.1.1900

    Install Version
    Download link: 

    Portable Version
    Download link: 

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    I don't like to use Beta sites. However I tried the Maxthon 5 and was disappointed because:

    1. To find that I had to buildup all my last session tabs (I use around 30) it is not restored from my Max 4.9... To my opinion, the installation of Max 5 by a 4.9 user, should go smoothly keeping all the previous version info - Last session, history in addition to favorites 

    2. When selecting to import data from Max 4.9 - I was waiting around 7 hours and the wheel keeps turning... No history kept...

    3. the most problematic to my view was that the number of tabs shown (On my 4:3 monitor), was limited to about 6 and when trying to watch the hidden extra tabs it didn't work - In the 4.9, I can see 15 tabs to select from, and I may open and watch from the hidden extra tabs (rightest tab holding, in my case, extra 21 tabs)

    4. There is no problem with 'save page as image' because you deleted this option...

    I will keep working, for now with the 4.9.4 version until the Max 5 will be released not as a beta and then I will see if at least, the above issues are solved


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    Hello again,

    I noticed two times including after installing the Maxthon 5 version, that I got the following message (See attached picture), I tried to look for a solution on-line, it but nothing found.

    Do you know about what missing Window's component? Maybe this is the reason for my problems?



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    On 10/31/2016 at 2:34 PM, Shlomo Blumberg said:


    Do you have any support info regarding my question dated -  Posted Wednesday at 2:45 PM ?


    Hi Shlomo,

    Of course I have noticed your helpful information that day and had transferred that screenshot to our product team, but unfortunately we couldn't figure out why your saving-as-image problems have relationship with missing of flash.ocx:(

    Anyway, there are two solutions which I think you can try:

    1. Sync all your favourites, passwords or other content in Maxthon browser to cloud, and then uninstall your Maxthon browser totally, checking "deleting all related files" in uninstall procedure; A clean uninstall.

    2. I also google on Internet about flash.ocx and found there were many results about that.


    Try as this guidance to fix it for your computer, and then try your "totally new" Maxthon browser.


    I noticed that you had so many browsers in your computer, so I think you may be more professional and knowledgeable than me. Then feel free to let me know if I'm wrong. :D

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  • Pending = We are still working on this report.

    Solved = The issue has been fixed and the resolution will be available in the recent version.

    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion.