Incorrect color rendering


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Question about color rendering of images - it has been incorrect in Maxthon for several years now. Images are different from Maxthon in other browsers and yet appear the same in them.   In the screenshot Maxthon is on the left. 

How to fix this browser defect??

___ UPD ! __

I found a solution for myself. Go here in the address bar - chrome://flags/#force-color-profile. (Force color profile item).

If the monitor works in the srgb profile, then you need to switch to it accordingly. In other cases, the installation is probably by default.

If after switching and restarting the browser the change does not occur, then switch to sRGB (or Default), restart Chrome, switch back to Default (or sRGB), restart again - then it should change.



Maxthon Snap20231023105038.png


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