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Posts posted by 7twenty

  1. 43 minutes ago, PHYR said:

    I haven't been able to access the extension site all weekend, seems fine now though...

    Access or login?

    1 hour ago, BugMiss006 said:

    Actually most people both can login maxthon.cn and maxthon.com. We will check why he can't login maxthon.com

    Good news. But at least 3 people (the OP, A.S and myself) seem to be unable to login from the .com site.

    I also sent a feedback email and surprisingly received a reply. Have since replied and will wait to see what the outcome is.

  2. 6 hours ago, BugMiss006 said:

    Currently maxthon.com and maxthon.cn are using different account system. Please login extension.maxthon.cn to upload your extension.

    "Currently" meaning since the past week or two? As that's how long it seems to have been going on for?
    Why wasn't there a notification about this?
    How long till international users can access the english site to upload extensions?
    Why isn't the site based on the same backend and localised for different languages?

    Hopefully this "downtime" means something is happening to fix/update the extensions site. Surely needs some TLC!

  3. ABP for firefox and chrome both have a built-in block by click option. Why the MX version doesn't is the question that needs to be asked.

    I found this bookmarklet a while ago which does a similar job. It can show you the element name but obviously not able to add directly to ABP, so a copy/paste is required to add to custom rules. Not perfect, but does help out and removes the need to go trawling through the code. You still need to add domain## to the element found in ABP.

    Because it's not originally created for ABP, some of the elements it finds might not work, so there's a bit of trial and error.

    I've also created an extension for it. Have uploaded to the extension site. I'll add some basic instructions to the extension page.

    SelectorGadget on Extension site.

  4. MX4.9 needs the entire skin in the 0.dat file to function, unlike previous version where only the modified files are needed in the .mxskin file.

    So you'll need modify an MX4.9 skin with the files from the MX3 skin that you want, and then need to ensure that everything works, as it probably won't due to some changes.

    The simplest method is to extract the mx4 0.dat file then merge the mx3 skin files into that folder, only updating the files with the MX3 you require. But that won't work as there's quite a few differences in some files that need to be added as well.

    As i said above, unless you know HTML/CSS and have the time, it's not a case of just of adding a few files to make it work properly.

  5. 7 hours ago, Adminspb said:

    What is its structure?

    If you know HTML/CSS then you'll quickly figure it out once you extract the file. If not, then unless you want to spend some time doing changes and seeing what happens, then it may not be worth the effort. Possibly best to wait till/if someone updates one for use with MX4.9.

    I did try to transfer the MX3 skin, but ran into issues with the avatar button top left. I gave up after that and instead just went to making the menu button go on the left instead of right.

  6. Tony pretty much explains it all very well.

    If it's crashing, you might have to do it the long way and adjust one bit at a time and hopefully you'll see what part is causing it to crash and then adjust as required.. I had the same issue when trying to mod the min/max/close buttons. 

  7. 9 hours ago, PHYR said:

    There is nothing missing from win7 in win10, everything you could do with win 7 can be done with win10.

    See this post and see the one you replied to? Notice something?

    Seems there's a few of these spammers around. Quite annoying as you think it might be someone who doesn't speak english, then it clicks.

  8. On 20/2/2016 10:05:09, 7twenty said:

    You can try changing your user agent and see if that has any effect on the sidebar

    Just checked. The sidebar always uses Ultra. But it also uses the user agent that is set in settings. Not sure if a user agent will help in this case, but even so, it will affect all other websites if it's changed. So probably not the best solution.

  9. 1 hour ago, -ody- said:

    according to the following the key is stored in bios,

    The key for the windows version your system came with. Not any windows 10 key (unless it came with win10).

    1 hour ago, -ody- said:

    I know my windows 10 key (thanks to winfokeys) 

    Except that it's more than likely a generic key, which i don't believe actually works to install from. Or it may but won't activate until you provide a legitimate key. If you google your key, i believe you'll find many people with the same one.

    3 hours ago, -ody- said:

    Or (which would be great) there's a way to install a clean windows 10 onto my new hard disk drive :  using which key ? will I get some issue with activation ?

    As of the November (v1511) update you can use Windows 7 & 8 keys to do a clean install from Windows 10 media (download from here if you don't already have a copy). A replaced HDD shouldn't affect your install if the rest of the system hasn't changed. At worst you might have to ring MS. If it doesn't work, installing 7 then doing an update to 10 using the wipe everything option will give you a clean install anyway, just will take longer due to having to install 7 first.

    In fact, if everything goes to plan, and the new HDD doesn't cause any issues, you shouldn't even need to enter a key. You should be given the option to skip the key entry part of the install and windows should finalise installation and activate without issue.

  10. NOTE: The information below is for Maxthon 4.4.x and earlier releases.
    For Maxthon 4.9.x and later releases see this post.

    Update to the most recent version of Flash from here: http://get.adobe.com/flash

    The page will show that it has detected Chrome.  If not, check that the default user agent is in use.

    Click "Need Flash Player for a different computer?"

    Select your Operating System from the dropdown menu.

    Select "FP for Firefox - NPAPI" to install the correct version for Maxthon to use.

    Press the download button on the right and let the installer run.


    Close Maxthon.

    Open up an Explorer window (Win+E) and go to the folder you installed Maxthon to then navigate to the Core\Webkit\Npplugins folder.

    NOTE: Default install folders are:
    For 32bit OS - C:\Program Files\Maxthon
    For 64bit OSC:\Program Files (x86)\Maxthon

    In this folder there should be a file called NPSWF32_XX_X_X_XXX.dll (the X's are the flash version). Rename (eg. append .org to the filename) or delete this file only. Renaming is the recommended option.

    Restart Maxthon & goto http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/

    The page should show the current version installed and the most recent version available, both of which should match.

    Maxthon is now using the current version of Flash.

    If everything was done correctly you should have something similar to the following image, and a Npplugins folder as below.


    Should the above not work, you can try copying the NPSWF32_XX_X_X_XXX.dll file from C:\Windows\Syswow64\Macromed\Flash (for 64bit) or C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash (for 32bit) and paste it into Core\Webkit\Npplugins.

    If you have any issues with the above or other problems related to Adobe Flash with Maxthon please post in the following thread:

    Updated User Agent

    If the threads are locked please PM a Mod to reopen them. This ensures all the related information stays in the one place.

    • Like 1
  11. NOTE: The information below is for Maxthon 4.9.x & 5.x releases.
    For Maxthon 4.4.x and earlier releases see this post.



    Update to the most recent version of Flash from here: http://get.adobe.com/flash

    The page will show that it has detected Chrome. If not, check that the default user agent is in use.

    Click "Do you have a different operating system or browser?"

    Select your Operating System from the dropdown menu.

    Select "FP for Opera and Chromium - PPAPI" to install the correct version for Maxthon to use.

    Press the download button on the right and let the installer run.


    Close Maxthon.

    Open an Explorer window (Win+E) and go to the folder you installed Maxthon to, then navigate to the \Core\Blink\plugins folder.

    NOTE: Default install folders are:
    For 32bit OS - C:\Program Files\Maxthon
    For 64bit OS C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxthon

    In this folder there should be a file called pepflashplayer.dll. Rename (eg. append .org to the filename) or delete this file only. Renaming is the recommended option.

    Copy pepflashplayer32_XX_X_X_XXX.dll from the windows folder to the Maxthon \Core\Blink\plugins folder, and rename it to pepflashplayer.dll.

    The file is found in the following locations:
    For 64bit OS C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
    For 32bit OS C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash

    Restart Maxthon & goto http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/

    The page should show the current version installed and the most recent version available, both of which should match.

    Maxthon is now using the current version of Flash.

    If everything was done correctly you should have something similar to the following image, and a plugins folder as below.




    If you have any issues with the above or other problems related to Adobe Flash with Maxthon please post in the following thread:

    Updated User Agent

    If the threads are locked please PM a Mod to reopen them. This ensures all the related information stays in the one place.

    • Like 2
  12. Finally managed to figure this out after a little bit of help.

    Not sure if it works as intended, but looks to be doing what it's supposed to do.

    If you could try it out and let me know if there are any issues (or if it works at all).

    From there i'll clean up some stuff and submit to the extension site if the original creator is ok with it.

    NOTE: it's still a test version, so just be wary that it may not work as expected.

    Final version has been submitted to the extension site. Will provide link once approved.

    • Like 1
  13. So i've been looking at some extensions and trying to figure out some things, but javascript is for the most part a little over my head. Reading some books to see if it makes any more sense.

    Can anyone give me a quick rundown on how to do something as simple as close the current tab?

    I get that this first two lines need to be in the script to create a runtime for the rest to work in, but then it gets hazy?

    var rt = window.external.mxGetRuntime();
    var browser = rt.create("mx.browser.tabs");

    Line 3 should be "browser.getCurrentTab()" to get the current tab as it uses the browser variable? what next?

    Where does Tab.close() fit in? Do i need to create a function for this to work?

  14. Green "Install this script" button on the page linked. If Violent Monkey is installed then it will automatically detect it and import it. You just have to confirm the install, button top right.

    No pictures might be my fault when i fixed up some things in the post. Pretty sure they were still there after doing it though?!

    • Like 2
  15.  It's definitely getting better as time goes on, which is what they were striving to do. If this keeps on going who knows how Win10 will look in a year or two

    How so?


    If you use Windows 8 a Microsoft account  will be mandatory, as you use it to log in.

    When upgrading to Windows 10 you can create standard accounts instead, using whatever email address you want.

    MS accounts were never mandatory, but were pushed more heavily than what it is in Win10.

  16. Just picked up a Lumia 830 to replace my 520. Will be giving Win10 a whirl on that to see how it goes.

    OT What's up with spell check in M4.4.8.1000, or is that just me?

    What is up with it? Seems to be fine here?

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