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Bug Comments posted by -ody-
5 hours ago, conceptualclarity said:
Than you, ody.
What do I do once I bring those up?
There is one recent day that's absent from my about:history that is chronicled on the online history. i tried to drag and drop from the latter to the former, but that didn't work.
The amount of recent history that appears to be missing from the online history grids is actually greater than the amount missing from about:history. Since Maxthon is a cloud browser, i hoped the online grids would have it all saved.
important thing is we know now that your history is there, but there's probably a corrupted file in it (hence the missing files in online history ?).
IMO you have 2 options : but someone else will probably have a better idea
- use the "about:history" when needed
- or rename your history folder which is here : C:\Users\**you**\AppData\Roaming\Maxthon3\Users\*****@***.****\History, maxthon will retrieve the online files. (I think I would try to rename the files inside this folder one by one to find out which one is corrupted.)
youo're welcome !
1 try to perform a clean insall
2 some videos are unsupported see here :
3 try to preform a clean install
4 same as above
and magic fill password is the same as your passport password
type "about:history" into address bar then "online history" or directly http://history.maxthon.com/History
at the moment, Maxthon for linux is not updated. You may try this workaround : Maxthon 4.9 in Linux with Wine
2 hours ago, Chim said:
Ohhh, so then it's like when with those various programs that we install or uninstall and upon performing that action they then proceed to automatically bring up their website to be it give us more info or to toss us a survey ... now in my case it would be Maxthon Cloud with which their website would be automatically brought up. Right? Okay, it makes sense.
Thanks, 7twenty, Ody, Joemax.
no, not at all... Maxthon will not prompt you to open any webpage if you set it as your default browser.
do you know what UAC is ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_Account_Control
and file association ? http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-file-open-program#1TC=windows-7
as an example, if you don't set any browser to default, windows will ask you which application you want to open html files, and each time you will try to open an html file windows will prompt you again. Setting it as default will tell windows : always open those files with maxthon, don't ask me again.
I tried with different browsers, I can't see any difference, video is smooth here.
1 hour ago, 7twenty said:
Nothing will change.
Only thing that happens is that anytime a program requests a webpage to open or you click a web shortcut, Maxthon will open that page automatically.
Functionally nothing much more will change.
and you will not be prompted by windows UAC
2 hours ago, No.1MaxthonFan said:
Not correct. I have absolutely no problem playing video or GIF's on Twitter. So there is something wrong with your set-up.
... I tried with portable version, and still no go. if it's a setting, then it's outside maxthon (windows 10 ? graphic card ?)
On 16/6/2016 at 3:43 PM, Jrel said:
It is doing the same thing that Chrome does where it loads every page separately for faster retrieval from RAM. Not sure if it is using more RAM with higher versions, but I have had to close the browser more often now when using CPU hungry programs (like music DAWs Reaper, Sonar, Live, etc.).
all programs eat more and more ram, and computers get more and more powerful too.. Windows 3.1 was available via 720 KB floppy distribution and required a 286 PC with 1 MB of RAM to run....
sorry but I can't try, needs to be registered to be able to rate.
did you try to disable ABplus ?
6 minutes ago, 7twenty said:
Thank you.
Picked a random video and it seems to be working fine: http://www.hitbox.tv/mxbones
ABP is on with the default easylist enabled.
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Maxthon/ Chrome/39.0.2146.0 Safari/537.36
Ultra mode
MX4.9.3.1000Test with a portable version and see if it works on that.
still does not work with portable version ! looks similar with twitter video issue although I don't get any warning ("browser does not support etc...")
9 minutes ago, roguelike said:
Link for what? for Hitbox? Hitbox.tv is streaming service. Streams just wont start.
confirmed, does not start either ultra nor retro, ABP disabled
works on edge (although buffering)
17 hours ago, LumoWa said:
I tried a lot ! From system recovery to new installation. I had no answer from Maxthon....
I am now back to - the only version that works fine.
But did you perform a clean install ? if you have a passport, unsinstall the previous version and clear (backup) your user data before install
10 hours ago, m▲gg said:
Works fine here/ I thinkt that OP wants to have screenshots instead tiles.
edited my previous post with more precise instruction
thank you.. I thought you had found a trick to show logo or screenshot "per site", which would be great for sites like FB or Youtube
6 minutes ago, m▲gg said:
Add some slash " / " to site address. (example : http://///////////www.youtube.com/)
It should does the job.
adding slashes changes the colour of the tile, but does not change the logo into a screenshot, or at least not here.
48 minutes ago, 7twenty said:
Any chance of noting your settings so others with issues can compare?
And testing on a portable version? That way we might find out if it's something/settings on your install or your system?
If portable works, then it's system related, if not then it's settings. If it is settings some testing should lead us to the culprit.
it's probably not a setting, it does not work on portable version either.
4 hours ago, SnowLeopard said:
I just tested google Maps with Mx in Ultra mode. I do not find any problems.
Pressed left mouse button and panned around; very smooth; no problems. Zoomed in with Satellite view (aka Earth view). No problems panning around. Went to specific address. No problems panning or zooming.
So i short, cannot confirm with the last release.
Did I miss something? Oh, yes, this is in Win7 x64.
same here, can't confirm (windows 10 x64)
2 hours ago, BugSir005 said:
Hi, I've adjusted the default sort option to "Last updated date and Descending. Please check if it works? Thanks!
yes, much better now !!! thank you
I confirm all points... and I also regret there's no most recent responce choice.
see here please
11 hours ago, Eightysevens said:
I am also experiencing mouse wheel not re-engaging until clicked after expanding Maxthon window to maximum with left mouse button. You too?
don't know, won't go back to work until monday (no issue here, windows 10)
3 hours ago, ToothFaerie said:
There is no reason to post an image as there is nothing to see, that is the problem. I cannot take part in the discussion because it does not show up on Maxthon. I can take part in the discussion with Firefox or Opera. I am not using the 4.9 iteration of Maxthon as it is a shambles with no push to cloud on right click (unless it is now an option, if not it is one of the main reasons I use Maxthon). I will take screenshot if necessary but they will be what I am explaining :
ok I can confirm this : follow this link : https://www.rt.com/news/346155-germany-eu-pew-poll/
bottom of the page there's a conversation in UR browser (chrome based browser).
I tried in maxthon, both ultra and retro, abp+ enabled or disabled : no conversation, same in EDGE : no conversation either
I confirm, although issue is solved at home for windows 10, I have the same issue at work (windows 7)
Restoring History Database--Help Needed
in General Product Support
when you rename a file, (for instance add .sav to it, ie "history.dat.old"), maxthon will no longer be able to use it, and will recreate a new one by syncing with the online history. If the new file is the one you need, you can delete the old one, if not, delete the new and restore the old one by removing ".old".
lastabs .dat files are the last session files, they are not history files. At this point I can't help more, I dont know exactly what other files are for. Maybe 7Twenty or Joemax know ?
unfortunately, if nothing works, then you must accept that you lost a part of your history, rename the whole folder, and sync your online history. Online history stores the last 2 weeks ( by design)