THANK you! And PLEASE do.
I mean, I would totally do it myself if that was even in the vicinity of what I'm capable of.
Unfortunately, my coding ability stops at concocting a couple of stupid widgets for an XWidget applet (both of them are pretty awesome for what they are, tbh, but it doesn't make me a coding guru lol)
Anyways, I think this issue I brought up is important. Not only because I personally have trouble with it, but because I imagine there's a large number of people who do as well (like, you know, every single person who bought an ultrawide monitor?). Youtube (or should I say Google) knows about this issue. It's been reported time and time again, I know that for a fact, yet ~literally~ years later since the first report, Google has done absolutely nothing to fix this problem.
If you use Chrome, you're in luck. That's the biggest browser on planet Earth, so when there's an issue - you should pretty much expect someone to fix it. If not through official updates, then through user extensions.
But I don't want to use Chrome! I've been the most loyal Maxthon supporter since before it was even called that. Yeah, I'm talking about you, MyIE. 2003, baby!
I tried to switch to Chrome numerous times through the years too. My line of thought was - I love MX, but you have to stick with the big boys. They'll be the ones left standing in the end, they'll get all the support, everyone else will just wither and die. But every single time I tried to switch, there was always this tiny little something about Chrome, like an unsupported feature I'd eventually miss, or a little quirk in its behavior that I'd f*/n detest.
So, anyways, MX has been my jam for the past 14 years. I'm not entirely sure why I'm even telling you all this. I guess I just want my favorite browser to be even better than it is right now.
PS: Sorry for the rant (^__^)v