Key Changes
+ Updated to Chromium 96
+ Supported numeric keypad for the browser account login
+ Optimized the interaction logic of the "Remember password" on login panel
+ Optimized Last session page layout and design
+ Supported to use the middle mouse button to open the link on the Last session
+ Optimized translation of the Maxnote's editor
+ Optimized Settings page design
+ Optimized the minimum tab width
- Fixed the issue that the password could not display after returning to the previous version
- Fixed the issue that the bookmark menu could not keep displaying after dragging the bookmark
- Fixed the issue that the tab audio button could not show
- Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not remember the last kept folder
- Fixed the that could not load under some cases
- Fixed the crash issue when dragging the bookmark
- Fixed the crash issue when opening too many tabs
- Fixed the crash issue when searching Maxnote
- Fixed the issue that password data could not sync in some cases
- Fixed the crash issue when using IE mode
- Fixed the crash issue when playing video
- Fixed the crash issue when adding an image to Maxnote
Install Information
Install version:
Portable version:
Install version:
Portable version: